Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA

Contact: Jane Creer 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies for absence.



Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


B7 Cafe Bar and Lounge, 12 Green Lanes, LONDON, N13 6JR pdf icon PDF 539 KB

New Premises Licence Application.

Additional documents:




1.    The introduction by Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer, including:


a.    The sub-committee was to consider a new premises licence application for the premises known as B7 Café Bar and Lounge, 12 Green Lanes, London N13 6JR.

b.    The premises was situated in a commercial area of Bowes Ward. There were residential properties in above and adjacent flats, and in nearby residential streets.

c.    The premises licence holder and designated premises supervisor was Mr Armando Kelmendi. He was not able to attend this meeting but was being represented by Mr Noel Samaroo, Licensing Consultant, from NTAD Consultants Ltd.

d.    The applicant originally sought later hours, but had now agreed to reduced proposed times and to requested conditions. Now the sale of alcohol on the premises was applied for 11am to 10.30pm daily, and opening hours 9am to 11pm daily.

e.    The Police and the Licensing Authority made representations in respect of the conditions and hours sought in the original application, but after the amendments were agreed, had withdrawn their representations. Annex E in the supplementary agenda set out the conditions proposed by the Police and the Licensing Authority which the applicant had agreed.

f.     The Licensing Authority received six objections from other parties, which were set out in Annex B of the report. The objections were based on all four of the licensing objectives. The objections were summarised as relating to: the previous operator and customers who caused problems, and that this premises would be frequented by the same customers and the operator behind it would be the same; late night availability of alcohol would exacerbate risks of crime and disorder; customers would cause nuisance by gathering outside to smoke; customers would park cars on the pavement and bus stop outside; there were already too many bars in the neighbourhood leading to deteriorating safety; there was a murder here last summer and there was drug dealing in the vicinity; gambling was alleged in the rear of premises; there was an obstructed view into the premises as the windows were fogged up.

g.    It was questioned whether the windows were still obscured, and the sub-committee was advised that whitewash had been applied during the building works, which were still going on, but the windows would be cleared after the works were complete.

h.    It was clarified that the conditions would only be effective if the licence was issued. If this application was not granted, the premises could operate as a coffee shop.

i.      A written response to the other parties’ representations had been received from Mr Kelmendi, which was set out in Annex D in the supplementary report.

j.      The other parties were unable to attend this meeting, but the sub-committee were reminded that equal weighting should be given to any written report as well as the oral submissions heard at the meeting.

k.    It was clarified that there was no rear garden at the premises for smoking. Condition 4 would permit control over smoking outside the front of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.