Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 29th April, 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions

No. Item




The Chair welcomed all those present and explained the order of the meeting.


There were no apologies for absence.



Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



Application for a new premises licence.


RECEIVED the application made by Mr Luigi Patrascu and Mrs Eugenia Patrascu for a new Premises Licence for the premises known as and situated at Taverna, 290 Green Lanes, London, N13 5TW.




1.         The introductory statement of Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer,  including the following points:

a.  This was an application for a new Premises Licence.

b.  The applicants had not held a premises licence previously.

c.  The hours applied for were set out on page 1 of the report. The times were reduced slightly from those in the original application.

d.  Recent changes to the Licensing Act 2003, affecting licence requirements for recorded and live music were highlighted.

e.  As conditions and a reduction in times had been agreed, the representations from the Licensing Authority and the Metropolitan Police Service had been withdrawn.

f.  Representations against the application had been received from two local residents at two separate addresses, objecting to the proposed regulated entertainment and times on public nuisance grounds.

g.  A further letter of representation had been received on 23 April 2015 and circulated to all parties. An additional resident had signed this letter, but they had not made representation during the consultation period and so their representation could not be considered.

h.  The two residents who made representation had addresses at 26 and 74 Devonshire Road. An additional map had been circulated to all parties showing the location of those addresses and the premises’ location.


2.         The opening statement of the interested parties, Mrs Nock and Mrs Maskell, including the following points:

a.  Although they were the only two residents in attendance, they had consulted other people in Devonshire Road and confirmed there were other people who objected, but had been too late to make formal representations.

b.  The three principal concerns of the objectors were noise, nuisance and flouting of conditions.

c.  This business would lead to an increase in traffic and an increase in noise. The alley between Green Lanes and Devonshire Road would become more noisy. There was already a plethora of pubs in this stretch of Green Lanes and an additional venue selling alcohol was not needed.

d.  Local residents who worked shifts would be especially affected by an increase in noise. An EU directive set out what daily rest shift workers should get. With Taverna staying open past 10pm every night, that would not be conducive to rest for workers.

e.  Many local residents were elderly and infirm or had health problems and needed their sleep and must avoid stress. This would be impossible if there was noise late at night from this restaurant, including on Sundays.

f.  Nuisance was caused by people coming out of local pubs and restaurants, loitering in streets, and slamming of car doors. There was vomiting and urinating in the street. The residents did not need another late night rendezvous and alcohol. Once people were off the premises, the licence holder had no responsibility.

g.  In reference to flouting of conditions,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 529.



Application for a new premises licence.


RECEIVED the application made by Mr Tom Mitchell Limited for a new Premises Licence for the premises known as and situated at 21 The Green, 21 The Green, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NL.




1.         The introductory statement of Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer,  including the following points:

a.  This was an application for a new Premises Licence.

b.  The applicant had not held a premises licence previously.

c.  The hours applied for had been slightly unclear over non-use of the 24 hour clock, but had been clarified through mediation and were set out on page 35 of the agenda pack. All licensable activity would cease at 11 pm and the premises would close at 11:30 pm.

d.  Recent changes to the Licensing Act 2003, affecting licence requirements for recorded and live music were highlighted.

e.  As conditions and times had been agreed, the representations from the Licensing Authority and the Metropolitan Police Service had been withdrawn.

f.  Representations against the application had been received from two local residents at the same address. They objected to the application in its entirety on public nuisance grounds.

g.  The two residents who made representation lived in Repton Court, opposite the premises. They had advised that they were unable to attend this meeting. The Chair confirmed that objectors were not obliged to attend the hearing, and that their written representations carried as much weight as if they were here in person.


2.         The opening statement of the applicant Mr Tom Mitchell and his agent Mr Matthew Smith, including the following points:

a.  Mr Mitchell was trying to turn his premises from a retail shop to a cocktail bar.

b.  There had been quite a few problems at the shop in the past because of the nature of the items sold and the quality of the clothes. The shop experienced major problems with burglaries and as a result its insurance premiums had gone up.

c.  Mr Mitchell had carried out his own survey of local residents and he wanted to take their feelings into consideration. He had taken on board what they said about hours and made his application accordingly.


3.         Questions were invited on the submission:

a.  The Chair commented on the consultation with local residents and asked if the objectors Leah Harmer and Bradley Smeeton and the immediate neighbours had been spoken to. The applicant was unable to confirm that as he did not ask for names, but he had been in the premises for the last 12 years and knew most of the people who lived nearby. He believed the objectors were relatively newcomers.

            b.  The Chair queried the description of the venue given today as a cocktail bar, and previous conflicting descriptions of the proposal. Mr Mitchell confirmed that the venue intended to serve nothing but seafood and cocktails, and that it would be open to the public.

c.  The Chair confirmed that the sub-committee must make the decision whether the four licensing objectives were being properly promoted and questioned  ...  view the full minutes text for item 530.