Agenda and minutes

Safer Neighbourhood Board - Wednesday, 21st October, 2020 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual meeting via microsoft teams

Note: Anyone wishing to join the meeting may request an invitation from Susan.o' 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.




Apologies have been received from Vicky Dungate, David South, Jany Badoye and Councillor Lee David-Sanders.



Tim Fellows (Chair) to present.


Feedback also to be provided by:

·         Stop & Search monitoring group

·         CCTV Monitoring group


It seems a long time since we last met in person.


As you can imagine during the lockdown things have been very different, at first many meetings were cancelled, then as the realisation dawned that this was a long-term thing, more and more meetings have become virtual. Here are a few.


Hate Crime Case Management Panel has struggled to cope with the 41.1% increase in reports. This has been in the main a lot of neighbourhood disputes since lockdown and people being at home more. These disputes have then become very verbal or very physical and a lot of racist language.


I have attended 1 LCP2 meeting but was unable to attend the meeting this evening.


Safer & Stronger Community Board has also meet virtually.


There has been some confusion over the MOPAC grants as the finances at City Hall are still being sorted out. It is about to be finalised and groups should get their money soon.


Stop & Search Monitoring Group update:

There has been one meeting that took place three weeks ago and there will be a further meeting next week. A written update will be provided after this meeting.


CCTV Monitoring Group update:

No visits have taken place during the pandemic to ensure we are all kept safe and it is expected that this will continue whilst the guidance around Covid 19 restrictions is ever changing. The CCTV Centre manager has given the group an update on operations based on some questions he was asked.


During Covid it was business as usual but with some restrictions and access to the centre. It was only on rare occasions that they had to put the business continuity plan into effect.


Over the Covid period they managed to get cameras installed at Pymmes Park, which have assisted in monitoring unlicensed music events as well as social distancing in open spaces. Since installation of these cameras there has been a reduction in crime within this park /Open space.


During Covid Lone Worker staff had carried out less site visits due to restrictions, although I thought it might increase.


During October 2 audits took place for the CCTV centre to keep their accreditations which were carried out by the (SSAIB Security Systems and inspectorate Board).


Barnet continue to run their CCTV operations from the centre and have been partnership working during the Covid restrictions.


CCTV monitoring staff have assisted and proactively worked on serious crime cases which have led to arrests.





To agree the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 July 2020.


The minutes of the meeting 22 July 2020 were agreed.



Examination of crime statistics received:

·         Current and planned police operations

·         Confidence and satisfaction

·         Target establishment on CAPE’s (including staff changes, vacant posts, anticipated timelines for replacement, etc)

·         Ward-based stats

·         Response Times, both I & S calls in Enfield and Haringey


The update was provided by Superintendent Chris Jones, Acting Chief Inspector Chris Byrne and Inspector Erica Crawshaw. The following was highlighted:


·         Performance is being assessed against the financial year to date (FYTD) other time periods have also been included to provide a balance against the effect of Covid 19 restrictions on both offences and sanction detection (SD) rates.

·         Homicides are a concern and an increase has been seen for the Basic Command Unit (BCU) as a whole when compared to the same period last year.

·         Lethal barrelled discharge offences are below the levels of last year for the FYTD for the BCU as a whole. Offences on Haringey, although, are at a higher level over this period.

·         Sanction detection rates for the FYTD for knife, robbery and Total Notifiable Offences (positive outcomes) have improved other rates remain of concern (domestic abuse, burglary, hate crime and rape).

·         The summary table shows the position of each BCU on what matters to Londoners most and covers the FYTD. This shows the position for North Area BCU (NA) on the tables and covers both Enfield and Haringey. Data will be affected by Covid-19.

·         The knife crime injury victims under 25 excluding domestic abuse, this is comparable with the rest of London. Homicides are measured as a reduction from baseline April19 to March 20, there has been an increase particularly in Haringey.

·         SD rates for domestic abuse for NA this is 15% which is line with London. Number of detections for Hate Crime, there has been an increase and a lot of this is down to neighbourhood disputes. Although, fortunately people are confident to report this.

·         Number of detections for knife crime offences is above the figure for the MPS as a whole. He drew attention to the work of the funded safer estates team on knife crime offences and have been involved in a specific operation around violence which has resulted in them seizing a large number of weapons, made arrests and in some cases charged people and remanded them in custody.

·         Rape offences this is similar to other parts of London.

·         Number of burglary offences, there is a reduction which is linked to Covid. There is also a burglary focused unit now set up covering both Enfield and Haringey. This has helped link together key information. It was raised that whilst there is a large drop in the number of burglary offences, the SD rate is amongst the lowest rate across London. Previously burglary offences sat with the officers on the response team and it was identified that joined up working was missing if two separate offices were investigating similar burglary offence. This new focus unit will be able to pick this up across the borough and it is expected that this figure will improve.

·         Number of robbery offences has made good progress. There is robbery focus unit in place supported by neighbourhood policing. He highlighted work that has been supported by colleagues from total support group around when the schools went back.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.




A query was raised as to how many CAPE’s were meeting virtually. Some CAPE chairs and officers are unable to organise Teams meetings. The sergeants must be the face of the ward’s meetings can take place by phone, by conference call. Communication is key no matter what form this takes; sergeants will be taking the lead in ensuring that this is happening.


A further query was raised on delays in police officers collecting CCTV evidence. Lots of crimes sit with officer on response teams working 24 hours a day working in 6 or 7 shifts covering earlies, lates and nights and then have 4 days off. There are not always opportunities to collect CCTV whilst they continue to answer emergency calls. They will take this point away to see if there is a more streamlined process that could be built in.


A query was raised on the survey sent out as a partnership request; how much feedback did the police receive. There was a small timeframe to return this in. The police advised there was not the number of responses that they would have like to receive. There was a 2-week period to complete, however aware that some were sent out with a very short timeframe to complete. Superintendent Jones is collecting these responses for the Met so further conversation to be held and opinions will be sought on how the police can engage with communities. Enfield is number one in the whole of the Met for serious youth violence so there needs to be a bespoke Enfield plan around engagement. Superintendent Jones to arrange a CAPE Chairs meeting to look at engagement in the next couple of months.


The Chair agreed to find out whether the training that he is attending could be offered to CAPE Chairs. It is an EVA course.



To note the date of future meetings as follows:

·         Wednesday 13 January 2021, 6:30pm

·         Thursday 29 April, 2021 6:30pm


The dates of future meetings were noted.