Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions
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No. | Item |
WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the AGM of the Safer Neighbourhood Board.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 84 KB To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2023. Minutes: It was noted that the title of agenda item 5 in these minutes’ shows Haringey instead of Enfield and that Simone Strauss should also be listed as an attendee. The minutes of the meeting dated 29 November 2023 were agreed with these amendments.
EXAMINATION OF CRIME STATISTICS PDF 227 KB Examination of crime statistics received: · Current and planned police operations · Confidence and satisfaction · Target establishment on CAPE’s (including staff changes, vacant posts, anticipated timelines for replacement, etc) · Ward-based stats · Abstrations from Wards Minutes:
Chief Inspector Rob Lee presented this item. The report included within the agenda will be developed further for future meetings and could be altered to ensure that it meets the Boards requirements.
Discussions were held on what is required by the SNB in the future. It was mentioned that should crime statistics be shown as it is in the wards which is ward on the closest wards. This report could look at Enfield against other BCU’s would be helpful comparison. This information does already go to the Crime Scrutiny Panel. This information is publicly available on the Council’s website.
The same stats that go to Crime Scrutiny should also come to SNB, this included sanctioned detection rates. This Council produced report comes with a narrative with the statistics which assists understanding of the figures. This works if the SNB meetings are timed to take place shortly after Crime Scrutiny meetings. Action democracy on timings of meetings.
There were also discussions around the information presented to CAPE’s. One of the frustrations is that they tend to be a broad statistic presented to CAPEs and do not include what has been resolved and actions taken. Chief Inspector Lee advised that sometimes there are delays with CPS. And this will be taken away by the police in regards to information presented to CAPEs. Action CI Lee.
Training given to CAPE Chairs on CAPE’s and the SNB was discussed and was agreed that this should be looked at going forward. Action new SNB Chair and CI Lee
Stats for CAPE’s are provided by police ward teams. A Ward handbook was developed several years ago, the feedback was that this was daunting. A document was being developed which was much simpler every new CAPE Chair should see. A briefer concise version would be helpful. Not all CAPE Chairs had seen this Handbook and felt that this should be sent to all CAPE Chairs, Action CI Lee to arrange distribution.
CI Lee then went through the following: Confidence and Satisfaction figures are no longer kept, there is an app that the police use on phones to better track interaction with police and victims of crime. The Board was advised that generally speaking the feedback has been quite positive. This app has just been rolled out to Neighbourhoods it has been with Response Teams for a couple of months. It should be noted that confidence and satisfaction in the police are intrinsically linked to wider national issues outside the control of Enfield.
Examples of operations within Safer Neighbourhoods The following is not an exhaustive list:
MOPAC GRANT FUNDING UPDATE Minutes: Further to the minutes of the last meeting it was confirmed that the deadline was missed for 23/24 MOPAC grant funding. MOPAC had attended the SNB meeting in November and as indicated in these minutes all those present at the SNB assumed that MOPAC were talking about 23/24 funding. However, MOPAC later confirmed that they were in fact discussing 24/25 funding and the deadline had passed for 23/24 funding.
The Chair advised that there had been numerous meetings about 24/25 funding, and that there is a lot of administration surrounding these grants. A productive meeting was held on the 30 Jan and there was a MOPAC workshop attended by several SNB members (current Chair and Vice Chairs) on the 27th February. MOPAC is running a training course for administering the process. The new Chair may wish to attend.
In the past at the AGM the SNB has set the broad priorities for where the Board thinks the money should go, these have to align with the Mayors priorities and they should align with the boroughs priorities. In the past these priorities have always been Serious Youth Violence and Violence against women and girls.
Discussions were held around timescales and moving forward as no MOPAC packs had been received. The Chair advised that the information from MOPAC was only received a couple of days not the date mentioned in the training session and the training courses had not started at the time of this meeting.
The pack has come out but the training course had not as of the meeting date. A request was made to email the pack to every CAPE Chair. It was suggested to the current executive members of the SNB that the pack is promoted to all current CAPE Chairs and to those that have had grants in the past and that EVA be asked to send out on their mailing lists for voluntary organisations.
MOPAC have also said that to be transparent the grant applications need to go to a full SNB meeting. The suggestion is that a subcommittee is appointed to look at applications, with these members of this subcommittee attending the MOPAC training workshop. The Chair then read out MOPAC email response to concerns over timings which advised the following:
“If you will struggle to hold a meeting where everyone can sign off the bid due to the timing then happy to move the deadline for you, when will your next SNB meeting fall? Alternatively, we have discussed with other groups that they can delegate to certain members e.g., a sort of bids committee, on the provision that the delegation of that work, along with membership of the bids committee/subgroup goes to the official Board to be agreed by the wider SNB and minuted annually. Also, its good practise to declare any conflicts of interests too. Hope this sounds like a sensible balance to ensure transparency for the whole Board whilst not putting in place further barriers.”
The Chair interprets this response that as ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
CHAIRS FEEDBACK Tim Fellows (Chair) to present.
Feedback also to be provided: · Stop & Search monitoring group · CCTV Monitoring group · How CAPE’s are functioning Minutes: The last quarter had been a period with a lot of activity happening across our borough, with some very positive results.
The New MET for London is being implemented and is of particular interest to the SNB to see how this is implemented in Enfield. He has attended a few meetings about it of particular note was the one held in Green Towers, Edmonton. In this last quarter I attended:
Training is being arranged regarding administration of MOPAC grants and he has fielded quite a few calls on the this.
Stop & Search Monitoring Group There is a new Chair of this group who introduced himself and was advised that in future a brief verbal update is what is required.
CCTV Monitoring Group The last visit was undertaken on Holocaust Day and this visit went well. This group can turn up unannounced and do an inspection of what is going on... Enfield has a lot of CCTV across the borough this is an independent monitoring group. More recruits are needed for this group anyone who would like to be part should contact the Chair of the group Janet Marshall.
The Chair expressed his thanks in particular to Stacey and Janet (chairs Stop & Search Monitoring Group and coordinated the CCTV monitoring Group.) and wished the new Chair and Exec all the best.
ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE-CHAIRS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER To receive nominations and appoint to the role of Chair, two Vice-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer for 2024/25. Minutes: There has been 2 nominations received for the role of the Chair, these are Glenn Breslin and Janet Marshall. Any CAPE Chair that is present may vote on this or if someone who is a substitute for a CAPE Chair, one vote per Ward or those with an asterisk by their name on the agenda.
Each candidate was asked to give a very brief statement on the reasons for their application, following queries on the actual process for voting the New Chair confirmed that the Constitution will be reviewed to address these issues at a future meeting.
Following a vote Glenn Breslin was elected. The candidates for Vice Chair are Dionne John, Simone Strauss and Janet Marshall.
Following a vote Dionne John and Simone Straus were elected.
There had been no applications for the roles of Treasurer and Secretary which are both fairly redundant posts it was suggested that these roles are deleted in any changes to the Constitution.
The vote was undertaken for Vice Chair and Dione John and Simone Strauss were elected.
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS (i) To agree the date of an additional meeting of the Safer Neighbourhood Board to be held in April 2024. (ii) To note the dates of the future meetings will be confirmed following Annual Council on Wednesday 15 May 2024. Minutes: Noted that the timing is very difficult appeal with regards to arranging a further meeting in April. The new Chair requested that all CAPE Chairs to go and fund a bid and email a bid to democracy or Stacey Gilmour. He confirmed that the MOPAC pack will be sent out to CAPE Chairs. Anyone not on contact list already should let either of the new Vice Chairs know their details.
Agreed to defer the date of a new meetings until MOPAC timings known and noted the future SNB meeting dates will be decided after Annual Council.
The Police thanked Tim and Janet for their hand work and look forward to working with new Chair and Vice Chair.