Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME & APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Chris Dey (who was substituted by Cllr Emma Supple), Carol Shuttle (Chair, Southbury Ward Panel), Janet Marshall (Chair, Edmonton Green & Upper Edmonton Ward Panels), Tim Fellows (Brimsdown Ward Panel), Zakir Hossain (Chair, Bullsmoor Ward Panel), Auber Delgado (Chair, Grange Park Ward Panel), Simon Tweedy (Chair, Jubilee Ward Panel), Maria Aciyan (Chair, Ponders End Ward Panel), Dionne John (Co-Chair, Southgate Ward Panel), and Irene Wilson (Chair, Town Ward Panel). |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 101 KB To receive the minutes from the previous meeting held on 22 July 2024. Minutes: AGREED the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2024 subject to the following amendment:
(i) Karl Brown (Chair, Palmers Green Ward Panel) attended the meeting. (ii) Moving forward, CAPES to be referred to as Ward Panels as agreed by SNB members at the July meeting. |
OVERVIEW OF POLICE PRESENTATION PDF 5 MB To receive a presentation from the Police. Minutes: Chief Inspector Rob Gibbs went through the presentation in the agenda pack. The following was highlighted:
· An update was provided on the key crime types and data, comparisons and trends were provided for each category. Discussions took place and clarification was sought on some of the information shown on the Enfield Scorecard, to which CI Gibbs provided detailed responses. The increases and decreases in the various crime types were explained and it was noted that currently, the overall picture for crime in Enfield is very positive · An overview was provided on the hotspots in the borough as well as the expected seasonal changes, and it was noted that the peak hotspots for robbery and serious Violence in Edmonton and Fore Street are Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. There is an overlap of theft person, VAWG, burglary and robbery between the hours of 12:00-15:00 across the BCU. Edmonton and Fore Street are a long-term hotspot although within the last 4-week period the hotspot has dispersed slightly. · Seven years of crime data suggests that there are only marginal changes in offending throughout the seasons, but in September, October and November increases are expected in the following: residential burglary, serious violence, and robbery. · Information was provided on Ward Teams and resourcing, and it was advised that five of five Inspectors were now in post, fifteen of fifteen Sergeants were also in post and the DWO posts had been filled. There were also plans to move to two PCSO’s per ward with high harm wards increasing over the next three years. · An update was provided on Operation Pisces in Edmonton. This is a sustained policing approach which involved multiple layers of policing to address serious neighbourhood and organised crime in the area. It is a long-term partnership approach which launched on 3 June 2024. · Members were presented with arrest figures which showed 275 arrests as of 29th September 2024 and further information was provided on the total number of daily crimes and it was advised that some of the spikes are often linked to events at the Tottenham Hotspur this would prove challenging in view of budgets and resources. · CI Gibbs concluded his presentation with an update on examples of work to date and information was also provided on the partnership work taking place which had included ‘Operation Walk-about’ on 27th September 2024 in Fore Street/Upper Edmonton which had resulted in two arrests, five community protection warnings, licensing visits, checks for HMOs, parking enforcement and waste management. An incident of cuckooing had also been uncovered and measures put in place to safeguard the victim. · Discussions took place regarding Business Crime and Inspector Brian Morley provided responses to questions raised and confirmed that Neighbourhood Policing is still directed at these areas of crime. Following further debate, it was AGREED that conversations on this matter would continue outside of the meeting between Inspector Morley, Jonathon Toy (Head of Community Safety LBE) and Karl Brown (Chair, Palmers Green Ward Panel).
The Chair thanked CI Gibbs for ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
CHAIR'S UPDATE ON MOPAC FUNDING To receive an update from the Chair on MOPAC Funding. Minutes: The Chair, Glenn Breslin confirmed that, following prolonged delays by MOPAC and continuous chasing by the SNB Chair and Vice-Chairs, the funding had now finally been received by Enfield Council and it was now a case of the Community Groups/Projects submitting their invoices so that payments could be made. Reminder emails had been sent by the Chair/Vice-Chairs to the relevant groups asking that they submit their invoices as soon as possible, and once received, Stacey Gilmour (Governance & Scrutiny Officer) would arrange payment with immediate effect.
Once the projects receive their funding and the projects are underway, in accordance with the Funding Grant Agreement, progress and outcomes of each project will be monitored by Enfield’s SNB and the results fedback at future meetings. This information will also be shared with MOPAC as is the requirement.
Simone Strauss, Vice-Chair also advised that Enfield SNB had put in a successful bid for training needs/ a website creation. However, the SNB do not have a bank account therefore arrangements have been made for an umbrella organisation that the Local Authority already use for safeguarding, to hold the monies for the SNB as well as the Streetwatch project who also do not have a bank account, but this should not cause any further delays. |
REPORT FROM TOR WORKING PARTY A verbal update will be given. Minutes: RECEIVED an update from the Terms of Reference Working Group which included Karl Brown (Chair, Palmers Green Ward Panel), Tom Mautner (Chair, Arnos Grove Ward Panel) and Hannah Newton (Co-Chair, Southgate Ward Panel).
(i) A one-page summary has been drafted setting out the role of the Ward Panel Chair. A link has been included in the summary which, when clicked on, will direct people to the full 130-page Ward Panel Guidance Book should further information be required. (ii) The draft summary had been dry tested on the new Chair of Winchmore Hill Ward Panel, Jillie Sutton, and positive feedback received. (iii) The draft summary will now be circulated to all Ward Panel Chairs for comment and once finalised and approved by SNB members at the next meeting, it will then become a live document. (iv) Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Enfield SNB were being reviewed and conversations had taken place with MOPAC regarding this. Discussions took place and ideas and suggestions shared. Once drafted, the proposed Terms of Reference will be circulated to all Ward Panel Chairs for consultation & comment. MOPAC will also be asked to view and comment on the document prior to it being finalised. It will then come to the February 2025 meeting of the Board for approval. |
UPDATE FROM INDIVIDUAL WARDS A verbal update will be given. Minutes: Simone Strauss, Vice-Chair advised that the intention had been to have an interim meeting with the Ward Panel Chairs to consolidate any issues or concerns in their Ward which could then be addressed accordingly outside of tonight’s meeting. However, there had not been time for this meeting to take place so instead, Ward Panel Chairs had emailed Simone with their issues which she then read out as follows:
· Ponders End Ward Panel are not receiving any Partner messages regarding firearm incidents and stabbings; therefore, the local community have no knowledge of what is happening in their ward. The Chair of Ponders End Ward Panel has raised this with her SNT Sergeant, and he has said that he is not receiving these messages either. CI Rob Gibbs explained that Partner messages tend to go to a relatively tight circle of people and do not Partner message on everything. It’s a subjective to call whether to share information or not but in general, if asked, the Sergeant can respond with the information requested within data protection realms. · A lot of wards are not receiving their newsletters which are a really useful analysis of what is happening in the wards. AGREED that Simone would forward CI Gibbs a list of wards who were not receiving their newsletters and he would look into this. Action: CI Rob Gibbs · There is a disparity between some wards having the mobile phone numbers for their Safer Neighbourhood Teams’ PC’s and PCSO’s, but others did not. CI Gibbs said that a phone directory had been produced for all of Enfield’s Safer Neighbourhood Teams which had been circulated to SNB Chairs which detailed the contact numbers for all the SNT Sergeants. He added however that there was no reason for the PC’s and PCSO’s to not provide their job mobile phone numbers. · A question was raised as to whether there was a What’s App usage policy for the MET as it was felt that this would be a useful way for the Safer Neighbourhood Teams to communicate with the Ward Panel Chairs as well as being a good method for them to receive incoming intel. CI Gibbs advised that What’s App is not really the key method of communication for the MET as it can potentially expose the individual to a Professional Standards Investigation. The MET has a Communications Engagement Team which filters all comms, including What’s App. Following further discussions, CI Gibb offered to have a conversation with the Vice -Chair, Simone Strauss outside of the meeting, to discuss this matter in more detail. · In conclusion CI Gibbs said that the Safer Neighbourhood Teams’ responsibility is with their wards and reacting to any issues that may arise. He said that it is a conversation to be had between the Ward Panel Chair and their Sergeant as to what they want and what method of communication works best. He added that for any specific problems within each ward the first point of contact is with the individual SNT Inspector/Sergeant. ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
AOB To discuss any other business. Minutes: Tom Mautner, (Chair, Arnos Grove Ward Panel) extended an invite to all SNB members to attend his Ward Panel meetings should they so wish. Other Ward Panel Chairs said that they too would welcome members to their meetings, and it was therefore AGREED that meeting dates would be shared on the SNB What’s App Group chat, so that everyone had sight of all the Ward Panel meeting dates, should any members wish to attend.
Simone Strauss (Vice-Chair) relayed information received from Tim Fellows (Chair, Brimsdown Ward Panel) advising that the Ward had now lost their PCSO after 14 years. He had been an excellent and dedicated member of the Ward’s Neighbourhood Policing team and on behalf of the Brimsdown Ward Panel, Tim thanked him for all his hard work and commitment over the years. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings as follows:
· Monday 17 February 2025
Members of Safer Neighbourhood Board 2024/25 *SNB Chair – Glenn Breslin *SNB Vice-Chair – Dionne John *SNB Vice-Chair – Simone Strauss
*Adrian Bishop-Laggett (FERAA) *Vicky Dungate (Enfield Racial Equality Council) *Vacancy (Disability Representative) *Vacancy (Business Representative) *John Prior (Parent Engagement Network) Representative *(EYP Representatives) * Rasheeda Ali-Sevaratnam (Independent Advisory Group (IAG)) * Vacancy (Youth & Community Connexions)
Councillors: Gina Needs and Chris Dey
*Ward Panel/CAPE Chairs *Tom Mautner JP (Arnos CAPE) *Gillian Yeung (Bowes CAPE) *Tim Fellows (Brimsdown CAPE) *Glenn Breslin (Bush Hill Park CAPE) *Zakir Hossain (Bullsmoor CAPE) *Vacancy (as at 24/7/24) (Carterhatch CAPE) *Simone Strauss (Cockfosters CAPE) *Janet Marshall (Edmonton Green CAPE) *Laraine Hodgson (Enfield Lock CAPE) *Auber Delgado (Grange Park CAPE)) *Eddie Fraser (Haselbury CAPE) *Adrian Bishop-Leggat (Highfield CAPE) *Simon Tweedy (Jubilee CAPE) *Jany Badoye (Lower Edmonton CAPE) *Anna Kontopyrghou (New Southgate CAPE) *Jason Russell – Deputy Chair (New Southgate CAPE) * Stephen Elston (Oakwood CAPE) *Karl Brown (Palmers Green CAPE) *Maria Aciyan (Ponders End CAPE) * Dave Cockle (Ridgeway CAPE) *Carole Shuttle (Southbury CAPE *Dionne John Co-Chair (Southgate CAPE) *Hannah Newton Co-Chair (Southgate CAPE) *Irene Wilson (Town CAPE) *Janet Marshall (Upper Edmonton CAPE) *Vacancy (as at 14/07/24) (Whitewebbs CAPE) *Jillie Sutton (Winchmore Hill CAPE)
Other Interested Parties: - (who are not SNB Members) Borough Commander Caroline Haines Chief Inspector Rob Gibbs (Neighbourhood Policing) Inspector Richard Lee Inspector Andy Cover A/Inspector Farhan Asghar (Neighbourhoods Enfield) Alice Bird (MOPAC – Programme Manager Community Engagement) Chervonne Ndefo (MOPAC – Community Engagement Officer) Irene Wilson (Willow Road Residents) Jonathon Toy (LBE - Community Safety Strategic Lead) Mark Riley (Enfield LGBT) Councillor Gina Needs (Cabinet Member Community Safety and Cohesion) Councillor Chris Dey
*=Parties with voting rights. Please note support officers and advisors do not hold voting rights Minutes: NOTED that the next meeting of the Safer Neighbourhood Board would take place on Monday 17 February 2025 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room at the Civic Centre. |