Agenda and minutes

Winchmore Hill Ward Forum - Tuesday, 17th January, 2017 7.30 pm

Venue: The Orange Tree, 59 Highfield Road, N21 3HA,

No. Item


Update from Police


1.    PCSO Antonio Rivas gave a report on behalf of PC Denise Thorpe covering November and December.


   Crime figures:
Burglary: no change between November and December
Motor Vehicle crime: Dropped from 15 in November to 5 in December
Robbery: two in November, none in December
Criminal damage: November 6, December 3
Domestics: no change between November and December
MOPAC 7 (Burglary, Personal robbery, Theft from a person, Theft of a motor vehicle, Theft from a motor vehicle, Criminal damage, Violence with intent) totals: November 32, December 17


   Moorpark House
The council has promised to fit a new entry system in January.  It is not yet in place.
This work forms part of the Winchmore Hill externals project.  It was originally programmed for 2016/17 but a tender exercise in early 2016 was halted due to concerns about the quality of the tender documentation.
The project has now been re-programmed to 2017/18. Currently we are planning to re-tender once we have revised template documents from our consultants, which are expected soon.  Once we have information about the works, residents will be informed.


   Sainsbury's - ASB in the carpark
The store currently offers 3h free parking during opening hours but there are no restrictions when it is closed. 
In future parking when it is closed will be limited to 10mins to allow people to use the ATMs.


   Fords Grove car park - ASB
Has reduced since the carpark ceased to be free.  Fewer cars are parked there to provide cover.


   Barclays ATM machine
No crimes have been reported.  The council has painted a yellow box on the footpath to provide users and others with an indication of the space to allow. No crimes have been reported in November or December. 


   Police cadets
In December, delivered leaflets on preventing motor vehicle crime and burglary in the worst affected area of the ward; the area between Green Lanes and Broadwalk.  Crime figures have dropped suggesting this might have been effective. Other roads will be covered in the future.

   Issues raised by residents
Number plates - attempted removal form a car
Always report this by phoning 101 or going on line.  The plates are later used to commit crimes.
Tamper Proof security screws are available which prevent number plates being unscrewed.
Greek on the Green - noise disco
Residents had said they were anxious because of previous experience.
No complaints had been made in previous years.
Residents were advised to phone the council on Friday or Saturday when an officer would attend.  If the problem arose on another night they were asked to contact the Senior licensing officer who provided contact details.



Matters arising from our last ward forum


A summary was given the updates included in the notes of the October meeting.  Full details have been added to the minutes of this meeting which are available on the council web site.


broomfield house


Cllr. Bambos Charalambous
The house is protected by Historic England.

A range of solutions have been proposed since fire first damage it in 1984.  None has been successful.

Since 2014 senior officers and councillors from Enfield Council, together with Historic England and  members of The Broomfield House Trust and the Friends of Broomfield Park have been working together to find a solution.

This is the last chance to save the house and if a solution cannot be found it will be demolished.

The group’s aim is to restore the House as faithfully as possible to its nineteenth century appearance, without the mock Tudor facade which was added in the 1930s.

Surveys of the building and the salvaged parts which are in store, showed that they are in surprisingly good condition.

A consultation showed that the community favours the house being used for such things as community events, cultural activities, a restaurant / cafe and as a hub.

A range of options has been considered.

Analysis of the financial position and a study of similar houses showed that:

-    The house needs to generate a revenue stream if it is to receive support from the Heritage lottery fund.

-    The house can be expected to generate revenue if it is used by a commercial operator as e.g. a restaurant.  However, this would not be sufficient for the whole area to be restored.

-    In addition, all the options for restoring the entire area, leave a large gap in capital funding. 

-    The current proposal is therefore to reduce this gap by developing the Stableyard for housing.  (There are cottages there which were inhabited until very recently.)


This option is being examined in more detail.
If it is viable and the Heritage lottery fund and the community support it, it could go to Cabinet in April / May this year.  If approved a more detailed scheme would be developed.

A range of comments and suggestions were made by residents.
Colin Younger, chair of The Broomfield House Trust said that they favour using the Stableyard as artisans’ workshops and as an ‘Orangery’ style venue for weddings and other events.



Firs Farm Update


John Prior, Friends of Firs Farm

The playing fields have been transformed since 2014 and are well worth visiting to enjoy the abundant wildlife that has been attracted there by the new wetlands which also help to prevent flooding.

John shared a number of photographs with residents.

In 2016 the Park won a Gold award from Enfield in Bloom and was commended in the Community Initiative of the year awards.

Money raised through the Firs Farm Festival is being used to install play equipment and to develop facilities for schools. 

Councillors took part in some competitions at the Festival and John presented a cup for winning the tug-of-war to Cllr. Hayward for the Conservative Group and a cup for winning the football shoot-out to Cllr. Dinah Barry for the Labour Group.

Projects for 2017 include building a woodland path and planting an orchard.
In the future Friends hope to develop the old changing rooms into a modern facility including a restaurant.

The Friends of Firs farm are a thriving, friendly group of volunteers.  If you would like to join them you can find details and contact them on:

The final phase of works to complete the Firs Farm Wetlands scheme is starting on site this week.  This involves constructing a 350m long pipe from Clowes Sportsground on Barrowell Green to Firs Farm Playing Fields.  Advance notices were put up in December to let local people know about the works.  The Friends of Firs Farm and sports pitches users have also been notified.  The works are expected to continue for 3 months.
It will be necessary to close Firs Lane over the weekend of 11-12 February to construct the pipe across the road – diversion routes will be signed during this weekend closure.




Information provided by council OFFICERS:
Patrols have been made in an attempt to prevent this ASB, but to date no evidence has been found to identify the source of waste.  The team will continue to seek evidence should the fly tipping continue.   
We will also ensure that the Flytip Collection Teams inspect for evidence when waste is removed.   

We also hold routine meetings between Enforcement & Street Cleaning managers and this venue will be on the agenda for our next meeting to ensure that we are doing all possible to resolve this behaviour. 

I am pleased to confirm that we have, as mentioned below, cleared Flytip materials at this venue. 

The Waste Enforcement Unit currently only has a single CCTV unit. It is expected that this will shortly be increased, however numbers will remain limited due to the high cost of the systems.

CCTV units will be prioritised to the boroughs fly tipping hotspots. At the moment I am not able to deploy a unit at Lakeside as it is not one of the boroughs fly tipping hotspots, but of course this will be kept under review.
The ward officer will continue to undertake regular monitoring visits and if residents are able to provide witness statements identifying the responsible parties, then formal action may be able to be taken against the offenders.

Street Hawks
We have this as an option but would recommend that it is simpler for those residents who wish to report fly tipping to use the council web page for this purpose.  A web report allows an enquiry/report to be allocated to the enforcement officer or the Street Scene clearance team which significantly improves clearance times.   This method of reporting also allows for both enforcement and street cleaning managers to monitor the location and other hot spots and to direct improvement in our services. 


Any other business


The owners of the Fox are proposing to develop the site to include some housing as well as the pub.
There is to be public exhibition at the end of January / beginning of February.


Next Meeting


7.30 - 9.30pm, Wednesday 19 April 2017, Friends Meeting House, Winchmore Hill, 59 Church Hill, Enfield, London N21 1LE