Venue: Community House, 311 Fore Street, Edmonton, N9 0PZ
Note: No Agenda/Minutes available
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Minutes: Cllr. Savva welcomed all to the meeting and explained that the dates for subsequent forums would be decided after 11th May.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr. Jiagge, Cllr. Stafford and Cllr. Bakir. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2016.
Minutes: The minutes of the February 2016 meeting were accepted as a true record.
POLICE UPDATE To receive an update from the police for the 3 wards.
Kevin Tipple (15 mins)
Minutes: Sgt. Jamie Moggridge advised that the Met was restructuring and would be moving from New Scotland Yard to Lambeth. There would be changes at every rank. One dedicated Officer and one PCSO would remain in each ward, but may be not be same officers as currently. There would also be a Sergeant covering one or two wards. The Estates and Parks teams would be reduced, as they are no longer funded by the Council. Officers from these teams will be back on the wards. The Met still has to make huge savings but will maintain all 629 PCSO’s. A further 1900 probationers are also being recruited, but they must live in London. Numbers should be maintained overall and more officers are being trained in firearms.
The South Cluster’s Spring newsletter is about to be distributed. Most of the attendees stated they had not received the Winter issue.
Officers had made representation to Scotland Yard as to where MetTrace should be distributed, but Scotland Yard decided on the locations. Residents in part of Upper Edmonton had received it.
The way forward for communicating with the Police will be by ‘Twitter’ and Sgt. Moggridge wants to encourage residents to participate. He did report a whole shift of 999 calls on Twitter, which resulted in a good debate between Police and residents. He would do this again.
Edmonton Green - weekly visits took place with the Mosque and 7 new Neighbourhood Watches had been set up recently. Operation Site had taken place - watching CCTV in the shopping centre. A prolific shoplifter had been caught with £700 worth of face cream. Continuing to monitor anti-social behaviour at Lion Court and arrests have been made for drug offences in some blocks. More operations are planned.
Upper Edmonton - Operations have been carried out with immigration to stop prostitution and beggars. Six females have been warned that they will be deported, if they return. Such warnings have proved more successful than arrest, as, if arrested, the person is fined and returns. Ian Davey - the new Sergeant has a background in vice. Residents stated that beggars are still operating along the length of Fore Street on a daily basis and two in Lidl’s car park. Car problems including number plate thefts were reported in the Dysons Road/Albany Road area.
Haselbury - Jamie Moggridge was back on the ward as the Sergeant. Crime figures for North London Clinic were way down. Haselbury had seven officers including PC Kylie Richardson and PCSO Tom Gallagher.
MERIDIAN WATER PRESENTATION Peter George (20 mins) Minutes: Peter George stated that the Meridian Water development would regenerate the Northumberland Park area as well as the Edmonton Heartland. There would be 8000 new homes (up to 40% affordable homes) and 3000 high paid jobs, new rail links with possibly up to 4 trains per hour by 2018, a new station and Crossrail 2 by 2033. Silver Street Station would also be improved. Quality of design would be a priority and the development would include bars, restaurants, schools, community facilities, parking, a health facility, leisure and cultural amenities. In 2018 a £2 million community chest will be available for local people to decide how the money should be spent.
Currently the Council has acquired sufficient land for 4000 houses. Planning consent should be finalised by December 2016. Bids have been received from 5 contractors and work is scheduled to commence in April 2017. A sky bar will be constructed, where people can have a snack and watch the ongoing work.
There could be a need for 2 primary and 2 secondary schools on the site - still being reviewed. Concern was expressed re extra pressure on hospitals - health facilities on site still under review. Additional bus routes and extensions to existing routes to link the site to Edmonton still under discussion.
Attendees feared that congestion would be even worse than currently, especially whilst the construction was taking place and that this would have a detrimental effect on shops in Fore Street and Edmonton Green. Peter confirmed that money would be made available to look at the high street and attempt to reverse the current decline. They were aware of parking and congestion difficulties and were looking into the impact of construction traffic and future traffic. Junction improvements and traffic light changes will need to be made.
Minutes: Anna Eager, representing Energetik Co. explained that the system of recycling waste heat for heating and hot water will revolutionise the energy industry - better value, better customer service and better for the environment. In August 2016 recycled heat from the Edmonton waste plant will supply homes on the Ladderswood Estate and later Meridian Water. The heat will go into a special grid. There will be disruption, as it will be necessary to put in large mains pipes from the waste plant to homes and businesses.
HOUSING CRISIS Paul Davey (25 mins)
Minutes: Paul Davey explained that Enfield Homes had been formed in 2008 as a separate entity but that from 2015 housing was back under Council control. He referred to the Highmead Development of 118 homes and the future Meridian Water development.
Paul stated that Enfield had been one of the most successful in obtaining eco funding, which had resulted in a 40 - 50% reduction in carbon emissions and fuel costs for Scott House.
He confirmed that the Housing and Planning Bill of October 2015 had resulted in a decrease in rent of 1% over the next four years and that number of houses being sold under the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme had increased dramatically. Enfield is the second highest importer of homeless families, over which it has no control. Attendees pointed out that Fairfield Road was a example of anti-social problems caused by overcrowding.
COMPLAINTS Minutes: A number of residents from Fairfield Road requested an urgent CPZ for that road, which had not been included in previous schemes.
A garage in Cuthbert Road was also causing problems - mechanics parking cars on the street and working on them on the street. They drove one car away and immediately replaced it with another, preventing residents from parking. Parking problems also exist in Solomon Avenue and Victoria Road. A local breakers yard was mentioned as an eyesore.
It was suggested that Council Officers should improve enforcement on parking and environmental issues.
DATES FOR FUTURE MEETINGS Minutes: (All 7.30 pm - Community House, Fore Street)
Thursday 27th October 2016
Thursday 9th February 2017
Thursday 13th April 2017