Venue: Room 3, Community House, Fore Street, N9 0PZ
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Minutes: Chair welcomed all to the meeting and expressed thanks to Susan Reuss who usually takes minutes for the Forum.
The minutes of October 2016 meeting were accepted as a true record.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE OR LATENESS Minutes: Cllr. Abdullahi, Cllr. Stafford, Cllr. Bakir, Cllr. Ullus, Grace Kamall (React) Cllr. Hurman,(lateness) |
UPDATE FROM POLICE - PS Ian Davey - Upper Edmonton - (7.35PM) Minutes: Sgt Davey mentioned that in the coming weeks, there will be an increase in officer patrols in Lower Edmonton to tackle the issue of increasing ASB, Drugs, beggars and theft. Key locations include Zambezi Drive, Morgan Road and Bounces road. He stated a successful operation which was a robbery in Bounces Lane. It resulted in all three suspects being convicted. Sgt Davey noted that Edmonton Green has recently had a spike in anti-social behaviour which has prompted more patrols from the police to help reduce the growing problem. Within Upper Edmonton; the crackdown on prostitution has resulted in over 50 arrests, with a sting operation in progress to further tackle the issue. Surveys are also being employed to increase knowledge of key locations and habits used by the prostitution ring, to ensure a successful operation. So far there is an increase in prostitution on Joyce Avenue but on a positive note, there has been 100% conviction prostitution suspects. Furthermore; a meeting was held on the 8th February with council to explore ways of combating the issue of prostitution.
Other issues raised was the increase in drug use in Snells Park and Raven side industrial drifters. Regarding the drifters; for 4 months guard dogs were used to secure the site, with the plan to also employ security to shut down the site. However the security didn’t show up and police had to intervene to prevent the drifters from entering the site. Sgt Davey confirmed that the Mayor has promised to dedicate 2 PC’s for each ward and now each ward has individual Facebook and Twitter account. It was felt that there may be a need for an increase in education for residents to report issues in the community via 101 numbers. Here is a summary of the things brought to light from the discussion after the update:- • 35% decrease in motor vehicle theft • 1500 decrease in offences involving vehicle theft in the past year • Tottenham drifters (street race group which illegally operates in our industrial areas) • 80-90% conviction on drug users • Dangerous driving along Fore Street and Bounces Road, coupled with the recent death of cyclists in the area has sparked action in the form of speeding operations and more stop checks.
CYCLE ENFIELD A1010 SOUTH UPDATE - JON JUDA (7.55PM) Minutes: Presenter Jon highlighted the purpose of the Cycle Enfield project which was to establish a safer environment for cyclists. Green ways and Cycle hubs need to be installed to promote cycling and release the burden on using cars. The project was due to start March this year but budget and statutory demands are causing unnecessary delays. Negotiations are still ongoing
with TFL to move forward with the project as the aim for it, is to be completed in the next 3 years. The work has been broken into three parts; North Circular - Lincoln Road, Lincoln Road – Nags Head, Nags Head – Bullsmoor Lane. Severance routes (North Circular and A1010) will be established to monitor how cyclist manage the routes. TFL also being encouraged to negotiate with the other boroughs to take up the project. The next progression will be to establish the project in Enfield town.
To raise awareness and education within the communities, negotiations with TFL include hire bike schemes, school training programs, older populace training and general publicity. Jon raised the issue about rumours saying the project will reduce parking spaces in the affected areas. In fact, that is not accurate, the parking spaces will be re allocated and more parking spaces will be made available. Concerns were raised of possible clashes between the bus borders and cycle lane. Jon replied by saying the borders will be durable and evident to prevent any clashes, also wardens will be employed to manage the borders.
MONTAQUE ROAD & CLAVERING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE - MOHAMMED LAIS & COLLIN FINLAYSON (8.15PM) Minutes: A presentation was made by Collin to highlight the main aspects of the regenerations. Issues raised were:-
• Rail access • Tackling congested areas • Increase in Vocational training and Education
FIRE RISKS AND SAFETY AT HOME - DANIEL ALIE, FIRE STATION MANAGER LFB (8.55PM) Minutes: Mr Alie gave a presentation, highlighting the roles, aims and purpose of the 160 fire fighters in Enfield. He mentioned that the main purpose of fire fighters was to educate the commmunity on Fire prevention. He brought to our attention that Edmonton Fire station has state of the art equipment to combat fires, with 24% of their time spent on training with them. Mr Alie also stated that Fire fighting was not the only role fire fighters have, they also target anti-social behaviour, illegal sleeping areas and can prosecute landlords who fall short of fire safety regulations. In the past year 3000 home safety visits were made with smoke alarms tailored to each individual’s needs. As a result domestic fires are on a decline. For free fire safety check: - ?08000 28 44 28 email: -
AOB (9.20PM) Minutes: AOB: N/A Future Meetings: The date of the next meeting is 27th April 2017.