Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions
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No. | Item |
WELCOME & APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were received from the following:
Cllr James Hockney (Chair), substituted by Cllr Hannah Dyson. In the absence of the Chair, Cllr Andy Milne (Vice Chair) chaired the meeting.
Cllr Kate Anolue and Cllr Eylem Yuruk were absent.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Committee are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relevant to the items on the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest registered in respect of any items on the agenda. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 86 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 July 2022 were AGREED. |
ANNUAL SAFEGUARDING REPORT PDF 284 KB To receive the draft report from Bharat Ayer, Safeguarding Service Manager and Sharon Burgess, Head of Safeguarding Adults & Quality. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, introduced the report and extended thanks to the panel for the invitation to attend. It was noted that the report was draft and any feedback received would be valued. There had been significant challenges but excellent work had taken place.
Bharat Ayer, Safeguarding Service Manager, highlighted the key messages including the focus to prevent and detect issues, as well as the Modern Slavery response. There had been over 638 concerns recorded which was a year on year increase, however it was felt this was positive and demonstrated increased awareness of adult abuse.
In response, members commented as follows:
1. Cllr Supple extended thanks for the informative report and asked what the plans were to prevent another case like the Josef case. Bindi Nagra, Director of Health & Adult Social Care, advised that this panel was to review adult care and issues related to children would be discussed at the Children, Young People & Education Scrutiny Panel. However, it was noted that Enfield benefits from sub committees shared between adult and child services which provides training, follow-ups, information sharing, missing children procedures and additional staff. There were some concerns about those leaving care and the transition as they approach 18. Work was taking place with the voluntary sector to improve opportunities for young people aged 18-25 in that position. Feedback from this could be shared with the panel when available. 2. Cllr Milne asked if support was back to being face to face and if there had been any impact of Covid. Officers advised that most face to face services continued throughout the pandemic. 3. There were some queries about the high number of concerns reported (3638) however Officers believed this was due to better awareness and reporting. It was suggested additional context be added to this area in the report to provide better clarification ACTION for Bharat Ayer. 4. It was questioned if there were any outcomes from the Joint Agency Response (JAR) meetings – Officers to explore and provide this at a later date ACTION for Bharat Ayer. 5. In relation to the statement on page 10 of the agenda pack regarding environmental implications and the reduced need for travel, members were concerned this meant less visits and contact with service users. Bharat confirmed this was not the case and the statement was related to strategic improvements such as online meetings. Officers to make this clearer in the report ACTION for Bharat Ayer. 6. Officers clarified that Enfield’s Safeguarding Children’s Arrangements were reviewed annually and the signing was a statutory requirement. 7. Members requested additional information, such as trend data, be added to the “highlights of what we did in 2021-22” around modern slavery ACTION for Bharat Ayer. It was noted that information in the Modern Slavery Annual Report should not be duplicated. It was requested that comparable trend data be added throughout the report ACTION for Bharat Ayer. 8. The Chair requested training on modern ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
PUBLIC HEALTH - PLAN TO BECOME SMOKE FREE PDF 67 KB To receive the report of Glenn Stewart, Assistant Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: Alev Cazimoglu, Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, introduced the item with the hope of the committee’s full support on the issue. Dudu Sher-Arami, Director of Public Health, added that the aim was to change the culture and attitude around smoking to help stop people starting smoking in the first place.
Glenn Stewart, Assistant Director of Public Health, stated that Enfield was looking to lead the way on this issue within the London boroughs.
In response to the report, the Chair firstly voiced the absolute support of this panel on this issue. The following comments and questions were then received from members:
1. On page 108 of the report pack in the section on “purpose of this plan”, the number of years should be added as it currently stated “xxx” ACTION for Glenn Stewart. 2. Members raised concerns about e-cigarettes and vaping. Officers acknowledged this however stated that Public Health England had identified vaping as 95% safer than smoking. This was an ongoing topic of discussion and review. The risks of smoking tobacco were already known so the focus for now was on that. 3. Within the “Actions” table on page 110, it was noted that Jan 2022 should state Jan 2023. However, Cabinet had requested for a change to this line of activity. 4. Cllr Adeleke asked about the environmental impact of vapes. Officers to identify any data related to this ACTION for Glenn Stewart. 5. Cllr Stevens enquired about the link with children – work was taking place in schools and had been well received. It was part of the curriculum. It was suggested to use sufferers of COPD and lung cancer to relay the important messages. 6. There were concerns that a smoke free borough would leave people with nowhere to smoke, although it was noted that smoking in homes could not be banned. Officers relayed that it was to make people feel less comfortable to smoke. 7. Cllr Hasan raised points about hospital patients smoking. It would take time to change the culture but officers were working with the NHS, albeit with limited resources. 8. Cllr Dyson highlighted that other substances such as “laughing gas” were not in this plan; officers would consider this ACTION for Glenn Stewart. 9. Cllr Supple raised potential issues around civil liberties and licensing which were noted.
Members thanked officers for the report and their work on this important issue. |
PUBLIC HEALTH - SUBSTANCE MISUSE PDF 185 KB To receive the report of Andrew Lawrence, Service Manager Children & Public Health Commissioning. Minutes: Andrew Lawrence, Service Manager Children & Public Health Commissioning, introduced the item which was in response to the national drug strategy. It was a ten year plan, however the focus at this stage was on the first 3 years.
Members thanked officers for the report and comments were made as follows:
1. The partnership work was in its early days and officers with working both within and outside of the borough, as well as with NHS services. 2. A principal area of concern was the increase in need for treatment. The guidance around drug treatment was quite prescriptive. 3. Additional capacity was required to meet the needs in the borough. Doug Wilson, Head of Strategy & Service Development, highlighted the links between issues such as drug/alcohol misuse, mental health and domestic abuse. 4. Cllr Supple asked about the common drugs used, to which officers stated that among adults it was heroin and alcohol, and young people cannabis and alcohol. 5. Cllr Hasan raised concerns about helium, particular with young people. Officers were aware of this and were hoping to look at this further into the plan. The challenge was to get people to make the right choices. 6. Cllr Stevens asked about the relapse rate – it was very low for young people, officers to check regarding adults ACTION for Andrew Lawrence. 7. Cllr Adeleke queried if the police were involved. Officers advised that they were where necessary, however the focus of the plan was on health rather than criminal activity.
WORK PROGRAMME 2022/23 PDF 84 KB To note the Health & Adult Social Care Work Programme for 2022/23. Minutes: The work programme for 2022/23 was noted. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note the dates of the future meetings as follows:
Tuesday 6 December 2022 Thursday 19 January 2023 Wednesday 8 March 2023 Minutes: The dates of the future meetings were noted. |