Agenda and minutes

Regeneration & Economic Development Scrutiny Panel - Wednesday, 26th April, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies were received from Cllr Thomas Fawns, who was substituted by Cllr Nikki Adeleke.



Members of the Board are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relevant to the items on the agenda.





To agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 01 February 2023.


The minutes were agreed with the following amendments.


Item 4 – amendment for Local plan to look for at least 25km of industrial/logistics space.


Town Centres across the Borough pdf icon PDF 20 MB

The panel are to receive an update on the Action Plan for the regeneration and redevelopment of the Town Centres across the Borough and investment in the high streets.


Andrea Bugli (Place Shaping Delivery Manager) presented this item, highlighting the key points from the report on the plans to develop town centres that are vibrant, healthy, and inclusive.


Members had queries on the Pearson’s refurbishment, to which officers explained that Palace Gardens are considering a redesign, the Councils role is to provide planning permissions. The Council has held discussions with Palace Gardens and owner representatives on their proposals. The tower block is still a live consideration for them; however, the focus is on public realm works. Officers confirmed they are having active conversations to ensure that the proposals are attractive while offering a safe environment for all. Maintaining safer streets is a key consideration.


Members raised concerns on possible plans to change the market square cobble stones which have been in place since Tudor times. Officers clarified that no changes would be made without a discussion with the Market Trust.


Members shared feedback they received from the Community regarding the town centre plans, that there needs to be more electric charging points.

Action: Officers to confirm to Members where the 2 electric charging points currently on Coleman Parade are moving to.


Members requested more information on Angel Yard, to which officers explained that the work has been completed and ready to open this May, 18 units have already been let to Enfield Residents aged 18-30. Launchit are covering the costs at Angel Yard.

Action: Officers to provide a list of tenants and what they do.


Officers explained that the Living Room Library space in Angel Edmonton is also being used by Fore Street For All and React. There is an option for community groups to book on the space on Thursdays. Officers clarified that Fore Street For All gained funding from GLA to organise events within the Library in support of local residents and businesses. Fore Street For All are actively seeking more funding as the GLA support will terminate in September.

Action: Officers to get data on number of visits since Living Room Library works.


In relation to Southgate, the Council has received support from the GLA to help local business in Ashfield Parade, including adding greenery and seating. The Council are also working in collaboration with TFL to improve the area by the station. TFL are upgrading all plants near the station and completing restoration work to the building. Officers have been meeting with Ashfield Parade business owners once a month to listen to their concerns and brainstorm ideas. Similar meetings will happen with Chase Side business owners in the coming months.


Members commented that the traffic has always been an issue in Southgate and the LTNs have made this worse.















Cultural Strategy pdf icon PDF 9 MB

The panel are to receive an update on the cultural strategy including; implementation, growth, social economic outcomes, challenges and resilience to those challenges.


Simon Gardener (Regeneration Director) presented this item highlighting the key points from the presentation.


The Council are supporting local Cultural businesses, through the grant funding it has received, such as Chicken Shed by commissioning them to do work.


Following a query from Members, Officers explained that some pubs have a license to include live music.


Members commented that the Forty Hall Café needs improvement. Officers confirmed the lease for the Café is coming to an end and they will be looking at new options for the Café and Banqueting suite. Members suggested that the brochure should be given at the beginning of the Forty Hall tour, rather than the end.


Officers explained that although the Month of Sundays  was very popular it has been discontinued due to funding and capacity of the team decreasing. Large music events have also taken place in Trent Park. The company who run Drumsheds are looking to work with Ikea on a temporary basis to hold some events.


Museums have recently gained funding so that their catalogue of items can be digitalised.


Officers confirmed the newsletter is only provided in English but can be translated upon request. Members commented that this could be a barrier and it should be translated before the request to gain more attraction.


Skills Academies pdf icon PDF 6 MB

The panel are to receive an update on skills academies including; timelines, opportunities, early careers, employment and continued employment in film studios.


Simon Gardener presented the item, detailing key points from the presentation.


Members held concern on the target of 500 trainees a year, to which Officers explained that the Council have been working with Vistry and CONEL to ensure local people can access the Skills Academy and suppliers can take trainees on to permanent roles. This includes giving the main developer a list of local suppliers to use. Officers are also looking to ensure good procurement by  building into their contracts the requirement to take trainees from the Skills Academy. They are also looking to include all sub-contractors to be local suppliers.


Following Members questions Officers confirmed that Multi National Companies such as Warner Bros, Netlfix and Amazon coming over to use the film studio facilities are looking to employ British based film crews, rather than bringing over their own. There is an opportunity to ensure local residents can make the most of these opportunities.


Officers explained that learning from similar projects which haven’t worked well meant that timing of running courses is important, so that they finish in time to work within the subcontracted work going on.





Work Programme pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To note the completion of the Work Programme for 2022/23 and that the Regeneration and Economic Development Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24 will be discussed at the first meeting of the new municipal year.




Date of Next Meeting

To note the dates of the future meetings will be confirmed following Annual Council on Wednesday 10 May 2023.

