Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions
Contact: Email:
No. | Item | |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
There were no apologies. |
Minutes: There were none given. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 82 KB To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2022. Minutes: The minutes were agreed with the following amendments:
Item 4 – Members raised concerns on the low level of parking facilities on the scheme.
Item 5- Ikea have taken the decision to develop their site and are receptive to the Councils ideas. Tesco are still exploring the possibility of developing the site. |
To receive an update from Peter George, Director of Development. Minutes: David Childs, Head of Strategic Development presented this item highlighting the following points.
Enfield benefits from having the 2nd largest industrial site in London. The draft Local Plan identifies the needs for 250,000sqm of additional employment floorspace by 2039. The Council owns Montagu and Claverings estate and the freehold of Jeffery, Mollison and Brimsdown sites.
The Council owns 65% of the Montagu site, Compulsive Purchase Order (CPO) is required to purchase the remainder of the land. The site is being regenerated on a phased basis to provide a high quality space with good environmental credentials. The programme will be complete and occupied within the next 5-6 years.
The Claverings estate hosts a drug and alcohol service and a temporary housing homeless centre. A strategy is being worked on to develop the site on a phased basis.
The Government has taken the position not to proceed with investment zones and are reviewing the principle of investment zones. The Council can only pursue an investment if the new criteria is met, once it has been released.
Following questions from Members on vital services at Claverings and a sale for cash receipt, Officers confirmed a full assessment has been completed on the operational needs and looking into a possible relocation in existing Council buildings. If this can be done it can be sold directly to a partner or if it is not possible the council can enter a partnership with a developer.
Members asked questions on the Montagu Business case relevance to current economic climate . Officers explained the plan is being reviewed, the increase to interest rates has caused the biggest change. The plan is still financially viable however the risk profile has altered and new estimates will be going to Cabinet in March.
Following questions from members Officers confirmed a number of strategies are being used to keep business’ in the borough. Some relocations have already taken place and continuing a dialogue with the current occupiers. Half of the space on Montagu is occupied by manufactures which in turn brings more jobs to the borough.
Members had questions on the level of demand pre covid to which officers explained as the demand for online shopping increased, business’ were encouraged to accelerate their online presence. This coincided with an increase in industrial land values.
Officers confirmed there is opportunity for industrial estates on the West of the borough with close links to the M25. There is potential for new filming space that can be provided on industrial land.
ACTION It was requested by members that once the business case has been to cabinet an update report to come to the Regeneration & Economic Development Scrutiny Panel.
CIL and S106: Annual Infrastructure Statement PDF 172 KB To note the important financial role the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106 obligations have in generating revenues used towards the delivery of key infrastructure projects in the London Borough of Enfield.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Helen Much, Head of Strategic Planning and Design presented this item, highlighting the following points.
Total CIL receipts for 2020/21 was £6.3, an admin fee is taken from this to assist with running costs. The Council’s spending priorities focused on town centres, cultural facilities and transport links and are linked to three main projects; The Dugdale Centre, Exeter Road public realm improvements and Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhoods. In addtion £2.2 million went to the Mayor for cross rail projects.
Round 2 is now open for Neighbourhood CIL allocation and will be considered in January 2023.
S106 had received £2.9m in contributions which is the highest Enfield has ever received, £2.2m of which has been spent. Thirty seven S106 agreements had been agreed and signed with a combined value of £8.5m. The balance at the end of the year was £6.5m of which £1.6 is unspent contributions, £4.9m is allocated contributions. A total of 9 projects were delivered through S106 contributions, including a mix of environmental, public realm, cycle and pathways spread across the borough.
Members had questions on the remaining money, how Enfield compares with other local authorities and what determines the projects that are funded. To which Officers responded, that compared with our authorities the money left over is low and work is being carried out with project managers to look at why the money hasn’t been spent.
ACTION Members requested for the team to report back once the money had been spent.
Officers explained there is a process in place to determine which projects get funded from NCIL which is assessed by a panel to ensure they are considered fairly and fit the criteria. The criteria used was based on the poverty and inequality paper, CIL regulations and the Council’s priorities.
Following queries from members, Officers clarified that all London Authorities collect money for Mayoral CIL to contribute to cross rail, there are charging categories for which Enfield is in the middle tier. The contributions also safeguard money for additional railway stations.
The SCIL also goes through a rigorous assessment and governance process, which is dependent on the size of the project.
Officers confirmed that a Hadley Wood neighbourhood plan is currently going through consultation. There has not been a large amount of interest from local communities for neighbourhood plans.
Members commented they would like to showcase the positive work and progress that has taken place. Officers advised the brochure will be available on the website and can push it through social media channels to make residents aware.
Following members questions on the split of S106 and CIL officers explained S106 is used as a mechanism for providing obligations or contributions to support affordable housing and economic development. The CIL is mainly used for other regulations and the split is contained within the government regulations.
ACTION: Officers to confirm if grants have been considered to Housing Associations.
Officers confirmed each S106 agreement is bespoke and has different triggers to determine when the money will come in. Officers are ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
To note the Regeneration and Economic Development Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2022/23.
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings as follows:
Wednesday 01 February 2023 Wednesday 26 April 2023 Minutes: NOTED the dates of future meetings as follows:
Wednesday 01 February 2023 Wednesday 26 April 2023. |