Venue: Virtual Meeting / Remote - Please use link below or links on the Agenda Front Sheet
Contact: Andy Ellis 020 8132 1111 Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair, Cllr Ergin Erbil welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Equalities Board. The Chair asked Councillors and the external representatives to introduce themselves.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Lappage, Kayhan Ali, Young Mayor and Ginnie Landon from the Enfield Women’s Centre. Ginnie Landon had stated that the method of dialling in to the meeting was not suitable and with regret, offered her apologies.
Improved access to virtual meetings for external contributors is currently being reviewed by the Digital Services Team within the Council. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relevant to the items on the agenda. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
The Terms of Reference for the Equalities Board are attached. Minutes: At Cllr Greer’s request and with the approval of the Chair, 4 amendments to the wording of the terms of reference were noted. Tim Fellows, on behalf of Ginnie Landon from the Womens Centre, made a suggestion to change the expertise of the Womens Centre representative as representing issues affecting gender rather than sex. |
DRAFT 'FAIRER ENFIELD' POLICY To receive the draft ‘Fairer Enfield’ policy document Minutes: Noted: The presentation from Harriet Potemkin and Lucy Nasby on the draft ‘Fairer Enfield’ policy.
The 4 core values of Equal Outcomes, Respect, Diversity and Inclusion were highlighted.
There was a discussion regarding the 5 proposed quality objectives for 2020-24. The objectives contain themes relating to SEND and employment opportunities, the wellbeing and contribution of the LGBT community, isolation and mental health, overcoming racism and reducing domestic violence.
The purpose of the presentation was to gain any comments on the draft document from Board Members.
The Chair thanked Officers for the presentation and invited questions and comments from Board Members.
i) The presentation referred to analysis of local data on the outcomes and experiences of different groups in the community. It was agreed that background data could be provided to Board Members. ACTION: Harriet Potemkin
ii) In relation to Objective 2, regarding the LGBT Network, it was noted that work is being carried out in conjunction with the Stonewall charity to create an LGBT workplace. A request was received to include mental health and homelessness issues within this objective. iii) A former sheltered housing scheme for abused women used to be available in Enfield but this is no longer the case. It was suggested that this could be a subject for discussion at a further meeting. iv) It was suggested that tackling hate crime should be included within the objectives. v) The effect of covid-19 on the BAME community should be considered. vi) It was considered that Objective 3, focusing on social isolation, lacked appropriate detail. Opportunities for social connection should be explored. It was noted that the scrutiny review of social isolation was used as a base document. vii) Aspects of religious freedom should be considered across all 5 objectives viii) The Board would support appropriate training opportunities. ix) A reference to the work of the Black Lives Matter movement will be included. x) The role of the Corporate Equalities Board was explained, comprising Executive and Senior Officers from the Council. xi) When the comments from the Equalities Board have been collated, the draft document will be amended accordingly. There will then be an 8-week consultation period before the document goes to Full Council in January 2021. Once implemented, the objectives will be closely monitored.
The Chair thanked Members of the Board for their input and suggested that if any further amendments were considered, these could be emailed to Officers
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Members of the Equalities Board to discuss items for consideration at future meetings. Minutes: The Chair asked for suggestions at future meetings.
i) A comment was noted that it would be more appropriate to decide upon future agenda items, once the background data used to inform the draft objectives had been received. ii) It was widely agreed that outcomes should be considered. What has the effect of Covid-19 been on the older community and the BAME community in Enfield? iii) How are the Council responding to the Equality Commission Report? iv) How is equality in the workplace measured in relation to young people and key workers? v) How are equality policies reflected within the procurement process in Enfield? vi) It was suggested that if the Corporate Equalities Board meet before the next meeting of this Board, then a report should be presented on their work. The Director of Human Resources and Organisational Design will be contacted. ACTION: Harriet Potemkin |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS With the approval of The Chair, any items of business, relevant to the Equalities Board. Minutes: i) The Chair confirmed that any recommendations from the Equalities Board would be considered by Full Council. ii) Further revision of the Terms of Reference may be required. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings as follows:
Wednesday 2 December 2020
Tuesday 16 February 2021
Wednesday 28 April 2021 Minutes: The dates of future meetings of the Equalities Board were noted as follows:
Wednesday 2 December 2020
Tuesday 16 February 2021
Wednesday 28 April 2021 |