Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions
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No. | Item |
WELCOME & APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Nia Stevens (Chair) who was substituted by Cllr Hivran Dalkaya.
Cllr Greer (Vice-Chair) was substituted by Cllr Kate Anolue and Cllr Sampson who was substituted by Cllr Elisa Morreale.
Apologies for lateness were received from Bevin Betton (Chair of Enfield Racial Equality Council) who was substituting for Chandra Bhatia. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Board are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relevant to the items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest registered in respect of any items on the agenda.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 92 KB To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2023. Minutes: AGREED minutes of the meeting held 8 November 2023. |
CHANGE TO AGENDA ORDER Minutes: The Committee AGREED to alter the order in which the items on the agenda were considered at the meeting, for the convenience of the presenters. The minutes reflect the order of items as taken at the meeting. |
Sexual and domestic violence/abuse demographic data, impacts and outcomes PDF 637 KB To receive a presentation on local demographic data, impacts and outcomes. Minutes: Members agreed that having read the reports, they were happy not to receive in depth presentations
Received the report of Oladipo Tobun (Community Safety Intelligence Officer) which highlighted key aspects of the Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Demographics within the borough.
The report was NOTED.
1. In response to concerns regarding sexual violence at the younger end of the scale and younger suspects committing offences against other minors, DCI Gregg Coates (Public Protection Investigations Lead, North Area BCU (Enfield & Haringey) advised that there are very different guidelines to prosecuting under 18’s, but Enfield has a robust prosecution rate. The police are better at identifying situations and residents are feeling more confident about reporting the offence.
2. Regarding domestic violence, Members enquired if is there is evidence of a connection between overcrowding, accommodation, and unemployment. Officers elaborated that Domestic violence does not discriminate but the numbers are concerning so the underlying factors do need to be understood.
Action: Officers and police offered to do more research to provide better feedback on the impact.
3. Questions were raised on reporting domestic violence and the work done to tackle domestic violence generationally. In answer, police officers advised that reporting is predominately by the complainant. There are third party referrals, but information is only shared with the police if permission has been given to do so. Repeat victims and repeat suspects generate the most reports. It is cultural, endemic, and immensely underreported.
4. The increase in reporting is due to people having confidence in police action. The concern amongst the 18-24’s is that gang related rapes and violence is rarely reported.
5. Councillor Anolue queried the data on Black and Asian victims, in particular, due to the cultural problem of a lack of reporting for both males and females experiencing abuse. They do not talk to the police for fear of being ostracised within their community.
6. Officers responded regarding support offered and commissioned; LBE try to reach out to communities to ensure they get support and to raise awareness. Solace is the main provider within Enfield. There is potential to look at the referrals coming through there and engaging culturally specific organisations that are providing support to victims and seeing if the data could be captured to represent the true numbers. The IDVA services that LBE commission are all independent, so they do not force victims to make a report to the police, instead they support and work with them to address safety taking their wishes into consideration.
7. Members were pleased to note the work in partnership with North Middlesex hospital.
8. Members were in agreement with Cllr Anolue’s points and enquired further about children in the same situation as discussed were supported in schools.
9. Police Officers explained that schools have a set programme of educational pieces, workshops and presentations that go out to schools. Every secondary school has a designated lead officer to safeguard individuals. Too often the children normalise domestic abuse.
10. It was confirmed that there is a ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Trust, confidence, and inequality in the justice system PDF 165 KB To receive a presentation/update on:
• Stop and search outcomes and tackling racism.
• Local implementation of the Metropolitan Police Turnaround Plan 2023. Report to Follow Additional documents: Minutes: Received the report of T/Superintendent Chris Byrne (Metropolitan Police Service, Enfield Neighbourhood Policing Team, North Area BCU) which highlighted key aspects and summarised the figures of Stop & Search outcomes and the Mets Turnaround plan within the borough.
The report was NOTED
1. Members questioned whether stop and searches were intelligence led or random. Superintendent Chris Byrne confirmed that they are intelligence led as the police want to be precise and efficient but often it is circumstances.
2. Concerns were expressed for those stopped without a positive outcome to which Superintendent Byrne advised that many different factors in tandem with experience plays a large part in a stop & search. The officer has a key role in managing the experience in a professional manner. The ideal is a 100% outcome, but the grounds must be there in the first instance.
3. In response to questions on whether children are dealt with differently to adults, and those who wear face/head coverings for religious reasons; Superintendent Byrne informed that minors under the age of 10 are dealt with differently.
If someone under the age of 10 is stopped the officer will make a referral to the Merlin system which is a multi-agency safeguarding hub where the police, agencies and the local authority work together to provide a holistic approach. Their parents are also informed.
5. In terms of face coverings, officers can search outer garments, but an officer cannot remove a person’s hat or headwear within public view. There is nothing in law to prevent a male officer searching a female and vice versa but in the interest of best practice that is not done.
6. Members questioned if body worn cameras had led to an increase in officers being reprimanded for their stop and searches. DCI Greg Coates responded that it was rare due to the use of modern technology.
7. In response to a question from Members on the relationship between the police and young people in the area Superintendent Byrne stated that there are some areas in the borough where there just is not a relationship but are keen to build one. It would be nice to reach a point where youths felt comfortable talking to police officers, but we are a long way from that.
8. Members suggested a presence within young groups and youths, working with them in their activities such as at the NYCC in Edmonton to gain their confidence in the police and develop the relationship.
The Metropolitan Police Turnaround Plan 2023
New Met for London now have 5 inspectors in the borough which is very promising and the PSO numbers will grow too. Starting to feel a tangible change which is making it easier to prioritise and target work.
There will also be a dedicated LGTB+ officer, youth engagement officers and a Race & Diversity officer which will be really useful and hopefully breakdown some of the barriers faced.
The Casey report has also resulted in an increased number of Black and Asian people applying to the ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings as follows:
· Monday 18 March 2024 Minutes: NOTED the dates of future meetings as follows:
Monday 18 March 2024
The meeting ended at 8:25pm. |