Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME & APOLOGIES Minutes: Cllr Mahmut Aksanoglu (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no apologies for absence. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Panel are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relevant to the items on the agenda. Minutes: During the meeting, Cllr Doug Taylor advised that he was a Director of Energetik; and that he had been Leader of the Council when the Alma Estate regeneration project had been initiated. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To agree the minutes of the Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel held on 10 December 2024. Minutes: AGREED the minutes of the Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel held on 10 December 2024.
In response to Cllr Taylor’s query regarding the national placement policy and follow-up process on the placements, it was confirmed that Enfield’s approach had been reviewed since the last Panel meeting and new measures introduced in respect of follow-up contact with residents who had been moved. Officers also advised that people were placed in Durham who were economically active and would thrive there and support the area’s regeneration priorities. Written information in respect of national placement offers and support was requested by Cllr Greer. Action: Joanne Drew
With apologies on behalf of officers, the Chair confirmed that the Update on Meridian Water Development item originally scheduled for this meeting was deferred and would now be presented to the next meeting of the Panel in March. |
HOUSING DELIVERY AND REGENERATION PROJECTS UPDATE To receive the report of Joanne Drew, Strategic Director of Housing and Regeneration / Aneesh Maini, Head of Development, Housing and Regeneration, toprovide the Panel with a summary of regeneration projects that the Council is delivering to improve housing conditions and places and to deliver new homes and community facilities. Minutes: Joanne Drew, Strategic Director of Housing & Regeneration, introduced the report and set out the context to the Council’s programmes to assist with increasing the quality and number of new homes in the borough. There was also a boost to the economy with the creation of 2.5 jobs for every home built.
She introduced Sarah Lovell who had joined the Council as Regeneration Programme Director. She stressed the importance of accelerating delivery of new homes.
Aneesh Maini, Head of Development, Housing & Regeneration, provided an introduction to each of the schemes.
Joyce & Snell’s scheme included delivery of over 2,000 homes, split between 11 phases. Phases 0 – 3 (575 homes) were in the detailed phases to be delivered by the Council. The remaining 1,453 homes were in the outline phases and assumed to be delivered by a delivery partner / developer(s). There would also be community and commercial facilities and open space provision. The grant funding was confirmed, and the securing of £50m funding in the Land Fund Agreement with the GLA. Enabling works would start on site in late February 2025, and construction anticipated to begin at the end of 2025 / early 2026. The supply of heating would be supported through Energetik: the legal agreement was signed in December 2024. The Levelling Up Fund projects and the proposed estate management strategy were also highlighted.
Questions were invited from the Panel.
In response to Members’ queries, the time period for the full amount of homes to be built was clarified as currently 20 years but it was hoped this could be brought down to 15 years. Officers also clarified the viability model and need to maximise the number of homes to address the borough’s housing needs. The numbers of properties advised were gross numbers and the net change would be 1200 as there were currently 800 homes on the site. It was advised there would be £380m borrowing for phases 0 – 3. The Land Fund Agreement had been a key negotiation with the GLA and they had specialist viability inspectors who examined the scheme. Numerous phases also gave the ability for different options to be employed over this long term scheme. Acceleration of building would bring forward place-making more quickly, raise capital receipts, and bring in private sector developers. Cllr Chamberlain asked if proposed delivery dates for the phases could be shared with the Panel. Action: Joanne Drew/Aneesh Maini
The Cabinet Member for Housing was pleased that the Council was able to borrow and invest, and was leading in the regeneration of this whole area. This would improve the lives of existing tenants for the future and provide an additional 1200 homes on the site.
It was advised that the old tall blocks were expensive to maintain and the costs of running aging stock must be considered. It was confirmed that the style of the new accommodation would be tall buildings, but that in resident consultation there had not been concern about the height. Residents wanted new, quality accommodation, with ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
WORK PROGRAMME 2024/25 To note the Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Panel Work Programme 2024/25. Minutes: The Panel noted the Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for the remainder of 2024/25.
The Panel agreed to receive the three scheduled and one deferred agenda item at the next meeting on 24 March, with officers to be requested to make reports as detailed as possible, and presentations to the meeting to be brief to maximise the opportunity for questions and answers. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings as follows:
Monday 24 March 2025 Additional Meeting – If Required (April 2025-date TBC)
All meetings will commence at 7:00pm and will be held in the Conference Room at the Civic Centre. Minutes: Noted the next meeting of the Panel would be held on Monday 24 March 2025, 7:00pm in the Conference Room at the Civic Centre. |