Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 11th March, 2021 7.30 pm

Venue: Virtual

Contact: Jane Creer Email: ( 020 8379 4093) / Metin Halil Email: ( 020 8379 4091) 

No. Item






1.    Councillor Boztas (Chair) welcomed all attendees to the meeting, which was being broadcast live online. Committee members confirmed their presence and that they were able to hear and see the proceedings.

2.    There were no apologies for absence.

3.    Councillor Ergin Erbil substituted for Councillor Doug Taylor.

4.    Councillor Rye had no objection to Councillor Ergin Erbil substituting for Councillor Taylor but this should have been communicated in writing to the committee as specified by the Director of Law and Governance.







1.    There were no declarations of interest.




To receive the covering report of the Head of Planning.



RECEIVED the report of the Head of Planning.


19/02718/RE3- Meridian Water Orbital Business Park (and Adjoining Land Including Land South of Argon Road and Land Known as Ikea Clear and Gas Holder Leeside Road) 5 Argon Road, London, N18 3BZ pdf icon PDF 14 MB


1.  That the updates set out in this report be noted

2   That delegated authority be given to the Head of Development Management /Planning Decisions Manager to finalise conditions, the Design Code and the shadow section 106 Agreement heads of terms

3 That the application be referred to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and that the authority be given for the Council to enter into a section 106 legal agreement with any subsequent/non-Council landowner.

4 That the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be given

delegated authority to grant conditional planning permission subject to:

i) The inclusion of any changes requested by the GLA in their stage 2 referral and/or government body.

ii) Prior to the decision being issued after consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition lead on the materiality of any changes arising from any other development plan document or any new/altered other material planning consideration.

WARD:  Upper Edmonton

Additional documents:




1.    The introduction by Sharon Davidson, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals.

2.     This application was brought before Planning Committee in March 2020 when Members resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions and a draft S106 Agreement to secure certain obligations as set out in the report. This is an important consideration to note and must be given significant weight.

3.     The planning application and proposal considered at that meeting and now had not changed. The adoption of the new London Plan has not altered or introduced new maters to be considered or changed the basis on which the application was assessed and determined to be acceptable.

4.     What had changed and why the report is before the committee this evening, is the manner in which the affordable housing baseline is referenced in the draft S106 Agreement. This change is necessary in order to ensure the maximum amount of affordable housing can be delivered through this development and that grant funding necessary to get to 40% provision is not put at risk.

5.    In summary:

·         The application had not changed since it was originally considered in March 2020. The maximum amount affordable housing that can delivered without grant remains at 28%, with grant 40%. The GLA remain committed to providing grant funding to deliver 40%

·         The change to the approach to referencing the affordable housing baseline threshold is a response to changes in grant funding provisions

·         The change is necessary in order to ensure affordable housing delivery is not prejudiced by an inability to access the grant necessary to deliver 40%.

·         All other elements of the development considered and accepted by Members remain unchanged

6.     Members were reminded that the application still needs to be referred to the Mayor post this Committees resolution .

7.    The deputation of Mira Glavardanov speaking against the officers’ recommendation.

8.    The response of Peter George (Programme Director – Meridian Water) as the applicant.

9.    Members debate and questions responded to by officers.

10. Officers’ noted the committee’s concerns and comments:

11. The support of the majority of the committee with 8 votes for and 4 abstentions.


AGREED that the:

1.   That the updates set out in the report be noted

2.   That delegated authority be given to the Head of Development Management /Planning Decisions Manager to finalise conditions, the Design Code and the shadow section 106 Agreement heads of terms.

3.   That the application be referred to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and that the authority be given for the Council to enter into a section 106 legal agreement with any subsequent/non-Council landowner.

4.   That the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be given delegated authority to grant conditional planning permission subject to:

·         The inclusion of any changes requested by the GLA in their stage 2 referral and/or government body.

·         Prior to the decision being issued after consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition lead on the materiality of any changes arising from any other development plan document or any new/altered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be 23 March 2021.





1.    The next meeting dates of the planning committee will be as follows:

·         23 March 2021

·         20 April 2021