Browse meetings

Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel

This page lists the meetings for Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel.


Information about Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Health Scrutiny Panel will:

1.    Scrutinise the planning and provision of local health services and through this process contribute to the continuous improvement of health services and services that impact upon health.

2.    Respond to consultations by NHS bodies and provide dates and publish timeframes for its decision-making process on proposals for substantial developments.

3.    Comply with regulations formalising arrangements for health scrutiny.

4.    Consider matters referred to the Council by the local Healthwatch and respond within 20 days.

5.    Scrutinise Public Health services commissioned by the Council / Health and Wellbeing Boards.


The following provisions are preserved:

1.    Enable health scrutiny to review and scrutinise any matter relating to health services in its area;

2.    Require NHS bodies to provide information to and attend before meetings of the committee;

3.    Make reports and recommendations to relevant NHS bodies and to the Local Authority;

4.    Require health providers to respond within a fixed timescale; and

5.    Require health providers to consult local authorities