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Staff Appeals, Appointment And Remuneration Committee

This page lists the meetings for Staff Appeals, Appointment And Remuneration Committee.


Information about Staff Appeals, Appointment And Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference



 i.       To make recommendations to the Cabinet, and Council if appropriate on strategic pay and remuneration issues relating to staff in posts graded Assistant Director, Director and Chief Executive, plus other salary scales with similar levels of remuneration

ii.      To consider all elements of the Council’s senior management remuneration package, including:

·       levels of consolidated/fixed salaries;

·       elements of variable non consolidated salary payments;

·       any additional pay or non pay benefits that could be considered as part of the total remuneration package;

·       processes for determining the pay progression of staff;

·       termination payments packages;

·       parameters and process for appointing senior interim or agency staff.


The remit of the Committee will not extend to consideration of the level of

remuneration of individual members of staff (within the context of the agreed

policy) as these will be covered by individual contracts of employment.



 i.       To be responsible for making appointments to all posts at Executive Director and Director level and for making a recommendation for the appointment of the Head of the Paid Service to the Full Council.



i.       To deal with appeals against dismissal, grading, pension entitlement and grievances by Chief Officer and Deputy Chief Officer.