Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

The Council has a single party Cabinet made up of ten councillors. The Cabinet provides transparent and accountable political leadership. It also takes away a lot of the business detail involved in delivering the Council's corporate priorities. This frees up time for the majority of councillors to exercise their ward councillor role. It enables them to focus on how the Council delivers services on the ground.


The Cabinet works within the Council's agreed policy framework. It can set up sub-committees to consider specific issues in detail. All Cabinet members are accessible to other councillors and their individual and collective decisions may be subject to scrutiny.


Cabinet Membership:


  • Leader (Chair)
  • Deputy Leader


Plus eight additional Cabinet members as follows:


  • Children’s Services
  • Community Cohesion and Enforcement
  • Environment, Culture and Public Spaces
  • Finance and Procurement
  • Health and Social Care
  • Planning and Regulatory Services
  • Housing
  • Transport and Waste
  • Climate Action and Placemaking



Each Cabinet member has responsibility for the services within their portfolio.  Full details can be found here.


Responsibilities of the Cabinet


The role of the Cabinet is to:


  • Deliver services to the public
  • Give political direction and guidance to the officer executive
  • Improve the Council's performance
  • Create and sustain effective partnerships
  • Respond to issues raised by the Scrutiny Panels and other Council bodies.
  • Develop and consult on policy proposals
  • Propose the Council's Budget
  • Deliver the Community Plan


There are 4 Associate Cabinet members for the following areas:
Enfield North
Enfield South East
Enfield West


The ACM's role is to provide an overview and insight into spatial issues affecting local communities.  These councillors do not make Executive Decisions and have no voting rights.