Agenda item


12.1    Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.  The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”


A supplementary question is not permitted.


12.2            Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


Question 1 from Councillor Andrew to Councillor Rye, Leader of the Council.


“Would Councillor Rye inform the council what investment has been made in Edmonton by the Conservative Administration since 2002?”


Response from Councillor Rye:


“I am very proud of our record as a Conservative Administration trying to meet the needs of the whole Borough including Edmonton.  I have therefore set out below investment in Edmonton completed by us that was started before 2002, and also investment made by us since 2002.


Started before 2002


·        EPI - new homes in the Barbot, Montague and Plevna Road Estates, demolition of 1960s concrete tower blocks, a new ASDA supermarket bringing in hundreds of new jobs, new transport hub, state of the art leisure centre and health facilities.

·        New Starks Field School

·        Sure start

·        Lea Valley Athletics Centre

·        Since May 2002 we have completed – apart from EPI – 196 additional homes that include CDI sites, 42 shared ownership and 3 key worker homes


Started post 2002


·        Public safety centre – CCTV monitoring

·        Drug Treatment centre

·        Delta City Learning Centre

·        School building improvements at Hazelbury Junior (2004), Edmonton County Upper School (2005), Salisbury (2006/7), Latymer (2005), and Wilbury Primary School (2007)

·        Galliard School – a full-service extended school at “the cutting edge” and quoted as an exemplar of good practice in the Schools’ White Paper

·        New nursery and childcare facilities at Eldon Infants (2005), Galliard (2006), Hazelbury Infants (2004) and Raynham Primary (2006).

·        Creation of Forest Road Jubilee Park – meeting a specific pledge to create a new green space in Edmonton

·        HERS – Edmonton Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme – restoration and improvement to shop frontages in Edmonton Fore Street and Church Street.  The overall programme has been £680,000 of which a substantial sum is funded by ERDF and English Heritage.

·        Play and toilet refurbishment at Jubilee Park

·        Major improvements to Pymmes Park and Craig Park   New multi-use Games Area (MUGA) in place and a new dance studio being developed at the Youth Centre

·        Further improvements to be delivered before March 2006 at Durants Park (water play facility), Albany Park (Multi Use Games Area), Craig Park (playground), Albany Park (playground)

·        New Internet 31 centre opened in 2005

·        Pavement improvements to Brettenham Road, Bull Lane, Church Street, Haselbury Road, Lincoln Road, Montagu Road, Nightingale Road, Pasteur Gardens, Silver Street (N18), Victoria Road, Wilbury Way (2005/6)

·        Road improvements in Bounces Road, Gordon Road, Montagu Road, Wilbury Way (2005/6)

·        Roads and footways – major programme of resurfacing/reconstruction including major schemes at Hertford Road and Lincoln Road (east of A10)

·        Highways Safety Schemes – a substantial programme of works to improve safety for both pedestrians and drivers. Sites include Hertford Road, Brimsdown Avenue, Galliard Road, Conduit Lane, Bull Lane/Bridport Road

·        Improvements to council housing in Cuckoo Hall Lane, Walmer House, Dover House and Walbrook House (2005/6)

·        New cctv cameras outside Edmonton Green and Silver Street stations, new cameras to be installed in Fore Street

·        Improved three industrial estates.  Phase 2 completed works to Harbet Road and Montagu Industrial Estate with a total value of £935k.  (Currently underway Phase 3 improvements at Harbet Road, Claverings and Montagu with a value of approximately £3 – 7m)

·        IKEA

·        Safe n’9 sound a neighbourhood wardens programme based at Bounces Road, which is having a huge impact on making the area a better place to live and helping people to feel safer

·        Conservation Areas – character appraisals produced for Enfield Lock, Turkey Street, Montagu Cemeteries, Ponders End Flour Mills, Church Street/Fore Street


Just some of the schemes supported by NRF since 2002 are:


·        Young Person’s Gym project at Edmonton Leisure Centre, which provides health and fitness facilities, plus appropriate staffing support, to give young people aged 8-16 opportunities to exercise on a regular basis, in a safe and welcoming environment.  The project aims to improve the health and well-being of young people, including those that are considered to be obese.

·        Street soccer on three Edmonton estates, encouraging young people to take part in physical activity

·        Community resources at Aylward School ( and Raynham School

·        Neighbourhood wardens – budget bid for mainstreaming

·        Roll on Reading and LEAP schemes – projects to support children at school with a range of problems, to promote literacy skills and provide mentoring support to underachieving children

·        Support for young adults with mental health needs, the project aims to help young adults to develop their personal skills through one to one support, social groups and activities, and structured training around life skills.  It will serve young adults aged 18-26 including a significant number of young men from BME groups.

·        Breakfast Clubs for children and young people to ensure a healthy start to the day

·        Bounces Road Youth Team

·        Safer Town Centres

·        Edmonton Credit Union

·        Street Hawks

·        Fit for Life classes at the Healthy Living Centre

·        Mind How You Go – now mainstreamed by Enfield Council – Home Support Network

·        Variety of employment projects including First Step Trust and Health Employment Link

·        Development of the Laing Training Centre in Montagu Road to provide construction training for local people

·        Of the total £7m NRF over £5m has been spent in Edmonton and the rest in Ponders End.


Big Lottery Projects


·        £264k has been spent on greening Edmonton at Montagu open space, Raynham Community Space and Enfield Living Rivers”


1.         Urgent Questions


None received.


2.            Questions by Councillors




1.         the question, on the Council’s agenda, which received a written reply by the relevant Cabinet Member.


2.         the following supplementary question received for the question indicated below:


Question 1


Councillor Andrew to Councillor Rye, Leader of the Council.


“Can Councillor Rye provide details of Neighbourhood Renewal spending since 2002.”


Reply from Councillor Rye:


“Yes I do have this information which is as follows:


2001/ 02 - Labour Administration


NRF Grant       £929,797

Actual Expenditure               £451,910

51% Under-spend       £477,887


2002 / 03 - Conservative Administration


NRF Grant & Carry Over     £1,872,583                       

Actual Expenditure     £1,347,602

38% Under-spend        £522,981


Necessary to expend NRF grant and carry over – new systems and financial controls introduced in 2003


2003 / 04 - Conservative Administration


NRF Grant & Carry Over     £2,384,576

Actual Expenditure     £2,369,882

0.76% Under-spend          £14,649


2004 / 05 - Conservative Administration                     


NRF Grant & Carry Over     £1,874,288

Actual Expenditure     £1,689,907

0.76% Under-spend                                              £184,382


As agreed with GoL after introduction of a commissioning system.

(In other words 100% agreed expenditure)


2005 / 06


Is programmed to be expended to within 3% of NRF allocation as agreed with GoL


This shows Labour do not care about Edmonton or they would have made sure all Neighbourhood Renewal monies were spent in a timely manner.”