Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION:  Approval subject to conditions

WARD:  Cockfosters




1.  The introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager, advising that the report had been re-produced as the original version omitted reference to the Grade II listed Clock Tower.


2.  Receipt of a letter of objection from David Burrowes MP on behalf of the users of the facility, that the loss of the facility would be contrary to Core Policy 11 of the Core Strategy as he considered that it had not been demonstrated that the facility was no longer required or would be provided elsewhere. He expressed concern at the effect on the local community and the needs of local sports users would not be met, and that there was also no evidence of a full equalities impact assessment before entering the contract with Fusion.


3.  Three additional conditions in respect of ecology / biodiversity; sustainability; and a new Grampian condition regarding details of access.


4.  The deputation of Mr Leslie Cohen, on behalf of Bramley bowls club members, including the following points:

a.  The bowls club was important to its members’ lives, providing social gatherings, friendship and support as well as sport. The loss of this facility would disrupt a lot of senior citizens.

b.  Members had been told they could use Picketts Lock as an alternative facility, but this was costly and difficult to reach by public transport.

c.  The bowls club had at least 300 members, but the Council did not consult them until the contract had been signed with Fusion.

d.  Access to the site could be unsafe, especially at times when there were around 200 boys playing rugby at the neighbouring Saracens ground.

e.  This was a thriving bowls club. A decline in indoor bowls was not evident.

f.  Schools needed an indoor bowls facility as it was now on the school curriculum.


5.  The response of Mr Kerry White, Archer Architects (Agent), including the following points:

a.  Further information was being provided in relation to biodiversity, sustainability and highways issues.

b.  He offered to respond direct to any queries.


6.  In response to Members’ queries, the Planning Decisions Manager advised that Leisure Services officers had provided a list of local short mat bowls and other bowls facilities: at Edmonton and Southgate Leisure Centres, in N11 and N12, at Picketts Lock and in Cheshunt. These were all a fairly short distance away, though all over two miles. Leisure Services officers had also advised that there was a higher demand for multi-use games areas. The pitch would have synthetic turf and be used predominantly for five a side football, and hockey. He confirmed that notices advertising this planning application were put up outside the site, and adjoining occupiers had been consulted.


7.  Members expressed ongoing concern in respect of availability and accessibility of alternative comparable facilities, lack of consultation with current bowls club members, the need for the proposed development, and the lack of detail, evidence and justification within the report.


8.  Councillor Hurer’s proposal that a decision on the application be deferred to enable further information to be provided and for further consultation with users, supported unanimously by the Committee.


AGREED that a decision on the application be deferred to enable further consultation with users and investigation into the accessibility and availability of alternatives.

Supporting documents: