Agenda item

Scrutiny Annual Work Programme 2011-12

To receive a report (No.74) from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services setting out the annual programme of work for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels.  The annual programme has been agreed by Overview & Scrutiny Committee and is due to be considered by Cabinet (14 September 2011) for recommendation onto Councill for adoption.  (Key decision – reference number 3366)


Councillor Sitkin (Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee) moved and Councillor Brett seconded the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No.74) setting out the annual work programme for the Council’s Scrutiny Panels and Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



1.      Cabinet on 14 September 2011 agreed to recommend to Council formal adoption of the annual Scrutiny Work Programme for 2011/12.

2.      The following concerns highlighted by members during the debate on this item:

a.      To ensure that scrutiny was able to undertake robust and tangible challenge to the Executive;

b.      To ensure the effective use of call-in.


AGREED to formally adopt the annual Scrutiny Work Programme 2011/12.

Supporting documents: