Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements (if any) in connection with the ordinary Council Business


The Mayor made the following announcements: 


·              She thanked Reverend Taylor for offering the prayers.


As this was her final ordinary Council business meeting as Mayor, she provided a review of her year in office highlighting the following for particular attention:


·              The year had been filled with many wonderful experiences and had given her the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and to visit parts of the borough that she had never had the time to see.  She felt Enfield was the most beautiful borough in London and the country.


·              She had presented a Mayors Award for public speaking to schools during the year in recognition of the debating skills of pupils in the borough, both secondary and primary.  The skills witnessed were second to none and could, she felt, teach members a thing or two.  As part of this she was keen to not only recognise the efforts of the pupils but also the schools, teachers and other staff involved in their development.


·              The need to praise the efforts of young people in the borough was also highlighted with the rich talents displayed across the borough in singing and the playing of musical instruments recognised through the Mayors Choral award for secondary schools.  The Mayor advised that it had been a pleasure to have watched the faces of proud parents and friends at the concerts, shows and festivals she had attended when their children had been providing the entertainment.


·              The Mayor had particularly enjoyed attending both the primary and secondary schools “Say it Like it Is” Events.  One of these events had engaged young people in a debate on the subject of gangs and knife crime and it was felt events like these created an important opportunity for the voices of young people to be heard and valued.


·              The Mayor had also attended the London Youth Games and the Mayors Charity Fun Run and had welcomed the opportunity to meet many of the borough’s sports stars and wished them every success in the forthcoming Olympics.  Another highlight of the year had been the presentation of a Mayors Award for Athletics.


·              The Mayor advised she was also proud to recognise the work of the hundreds of volunteers she had met as they did so much work for those in need.  A particular pleasure during her year in office had been the opportunity to honour them by presenting the 100 Hours Volunteering Awards.


·              The Mayors Charity Appeal for the year had covered the health and wellbeing of all the population of Enfield.  The Mayor had pledged to work with all community, voluntary and charitable groups to give everyone the best quality of life, through improved health provision for all.  She was delighted to announce that her charity appeal currently stood at £24,000, but was hopeful that this may rise further.


·              The Mayor was particularly keen to thank her Mayoress Dee and Mayor’s Escort Seton for attending engagements with her.  She also thanked Kate Anolue, as Deputy Mayor for the support she had provided over the year and took the opportunity to wish her every success for her impending year in office.


·              Thanks were also given to all the officers who had looked after and supported her so well during the year, including John Austin, Asmat Hussain and James Kinsella (for their support and guidance on Council).  Special thanks were also given to the team in the Mayoral office – Melanie, Rhoda, Norman and Steve for their support over the year.


·              Finally the Mayor took the opportunity to thank members from both sides for their support over her year in office.


Councillor Lamprecht, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, responded to highlight how much the work undertaken by Councillor During in her role as Mayor and “First Citizen of the Borough”; style she had bought to the role and impartial way she had conducted Council meetings had been appreciated by all members.


Councillor Taylor, Leader of the Council, also took the opportunity to thank and praise Councillor During for the tremendous work undertaken as Mayor, and way she had conducted herself in the role over the year.