Agenda item



1.1    Councillor Stafford moved and Councillor Georgiou seconded the following motion:


Enfield Council notes that, starting in October 2013, Universal Credit will begin to replace Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and Support for Mortgage Interest.


The Council recognises that Universal Credit is a household benefit and that the income from Universal Credit will therefore be critical to the household incomes of thousands of its residents who are both in and out of work.


The Council therefore believes that the quality of the Universal Credit “service” will be important to the lives of its citizens and that the planned reliance on a web based delivery model backed up by remote call centres without the inclusion of a local, easily accessible, face to face service element puts the successful introduction of Universal Credit at significant risk.


The Council therefore resolves to approach DWP and raise its concerns to develop jointly with DWP local arrangements for the delivery of Universal Credit and to report back on progress to full Council later in 2012 specifically addressing the resources required and responses to the following basic questions:


·              How will someone apply locally?

·              Where will they apply locally?

·              Where will they take required documents locally?

·              Where will the local “Universal Credit” office be and what office accommodation will be required?

·              How will the skills and experiences of existing benefit staff be utilised and how many staff will be needed?

·              How does an individual citizen get face to face advice and help if they have a problem?”


During the debate Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Headley seconded the following amendment:


To be added after the final bullet point in the motion listed above


“The Council congratulates the Government and Iain Duncan Smith for introducing the Universal Credit to support people into work.”


Following a lengthy debate Councillor Bond moved and Councillor Hamilton seconded that the amendment to the motion be put to the vote.  This was agreed with the following result


For: 29

Against: 19

Abstention: 0


The amendment was then put to the vote, with the following result.


For: 22

Against: 30

Abstention: 0


The amendment was not agreed and the debate then continued on the substantive motion.  At the end of the debate the substantive motion was put to the vote and unanimously agreed.


1.2    Councillor Cazimoglu moved and Councillor Hamilton seconded the following motion:


Women are being hit hardest by this Government's economic policies - losing twice as much as men from tax credits, pay, pensions and benefit changes.  We urge the Tory-led government to assess the cumulative impact of their policy and funding changes to women's lives and safety.  We therefore ask for a full report on how these legislative changes will impact upon the women of Enfield.”


During the debate Councillor Pearce moved and Councillor Vince seconded the following amendment:


To be added at the end of the motion listed above


“This Council also asks for a further report to identify what powers Enfield Council has to address the impact upon the women of Enfield.  This will include a time-bound, costed action plan to implement the measure needed to address the identified impact on the women of Enfield.”


In order to allow consideration of the tabled amendment the Council meeting was adjourned for a period of 10 minutes.


Once the meeting had reconvened Councillor Brett moved and Councillor Cazimoglu seconded a further amendment to the tabled amendment under consideration:


To add at the end of the tabled amendment:


“The Council also agrees that the Government should meet any costs required through a special grant.”


Following advice provided by John Austin (Assistant Director Corporate Governance) the Mayor ruled (under Council Procedure Rule 12.7b) that both amendments could be discussed together, in order to assist the Council’s business.


The additional amendment moved by Councillor Brett was agreed without a vote and after a brief debate the combined amendment was also agreed.


Following a further debate Councillor Brett moved and Councillor Taylor seconded that the substantive motion (as amended) be put to the vote.  This was agreed with the following vote:


For: 30

Abstention: 20

Against: 0


The substantive motion (as amended) was then put to the vote and agreed with the following result:


For: 31

Abstention: 20

Against: 0