Agenda item


A report from the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This considers the various options open to the Council for the future management of the building. (Key decision – reference number 3572)

(Report No.102)

(8.35 – 8.40 pm)


Councillor Doug Taylor (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.102) considering the various options open to the Council for the future management of the building.




1.         the five options which had been considered as set out in full in the report. Members considered the options and the indicative costs detailed in paragraph 4.6 of the report. Members noted that Option C was being recommended for approval:


2.         the views of Members’ were sought and a discussion took place on the preferred way forward. It was noted that option C provided up to 25 years additional life to the building coupled with the second lowest capital outlay. The work would be made up of various elements and the approach to each element would be considered to ensure best economical value. Members were pleased to note that an improvement to current energy efficiency levels would be considered as part of the proposed works. Members considered whether it was necessary to take a decision at this stage or whether it should be deferred in view of the current financial situation. Following discussion Members supported the need to move forward with the works in view of the current deterioration of the building;


3.         that the final sentence in paragraph 4.2 of the report referred to “the recent unplanned closure of the 10th floor”. The tenth floor had been affected by intermittent leaks from the plant room above and there had been a risk to occupants. The floor had to be evacuated as a matter of urgency and was currently vacant. A Portfolio Decision report to authorise essential works to enable occupation of the tenth floor had been prepared. The decision is included on the Key Decision List and Cabinet noted that this report was currently under consideration by Councillor Stafford and Councillor Bond;


4.         that the works would be undertaken as part of a phased programme in a planned and effective way.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED that the five main options considered for the future of the Civic Centre were set out in section 4 of the report. No other options had been considered as part of this work, as the five options covered all strategic choices that the Council faced. A change in tenure of the Civic Centre via a sale and leaseback arrangement had been examined. However, this had not been considered to be an option that in itself would address the maintenance need.


DECISION: The Cabinet


1.         noted that the Civic Centre required significant planned maintenance to ensure that its working life could be extended;


2.         agreed that to ensure the building was safe and efficient to operate over the longer term, a phased refurbishment was necessary. This had an estimated cost of £15.5m spread over a 10 year implementation period. This was option C in the options appraisal set out in the report;


3.         agreed to commission detailed feasibility, project management and planning work to enable the recommended strategy (option C) to proceed and to delegate responsibility to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property and the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services.


Reason: The recommended option – Option C – provided the best value for money to secure the long term future of the Civic Centre, ensure all relevant health and safety legislation was complied with and expenditure minimised. At the same time, retaining the Civic Centre in Enfield Town would help to ensure that staff spending power in the High Street was also preserved during the current economic downturn. It also provided the opportunity for the Civic Centre to be used by partners, as the requirement for Council use reduces. This would help to create a joined up public services hub in the heart of Enfield.

(Key decision – reference number 3572)


Councillor Doug Taylor varied the order the agenda to facilitate Councillor Oykener leaving the meeting for the consideration of Report Nos. 103 and 104 – Proposal for the Extension of Home Based Support Service Contracts. The minutes follow the order of the printed agenda.

Supporting documents: