Agenda item


A report from the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This seeks approval to proceed with the Primary Expansion Programme. (Key decision – reference number 3598)

(Report No.122)

(8.40 – 8.45 pm)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) introduced the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No. 122) progressing the primary expansion programme.




1.         that the report set out the work that had been carried out to implement the Strategy and sought approval of the budget for the programme to proceed to the award of contracts (paragraph 1.1 of the report referred);


2.         that the demand for primary pupil places had increased significantly at a time of extreme pressures and funding cuts. The Council was committed to providing a place for every child;


3.         that section 3.7 of the report set out the detailed programme and the schools which would be providing additional places and/or capacity;


4.         the consultation exercises which were taking place;


5.         the overall estimated cost of the Primary Expansion Programme and the various funding sources as set out in the table in section 6.1.3 of the report. Section 3 of the report set out the procurement processes which had been followed. The programme was currently on budget and on schedule; the programme was innovative;


6.         the Programme was significant and aimed to provide an additional 2,100 pupil places by September 2013. The report set out in detail how this would be achieved. Members set the programme in the context of the extreme budget pressures and funding cuts from central government and the need for the Council to be proactive and creative in meeting the significant increase in demand;


7.         that traffic mitigation measures on each of the schemes would be carried out (section 11 of the report referred). The importance of addressing the traffic issues was highlighted by Members.


Alternative Options Considered: Enfield Council had a statutory responsibility to provide the necessary school places. This revised strategy provided the additional capacity and expertise to ensure that this programme was delivered on time and provided best value for the Council. Not providing places could not be considered an option. The following proposals had been considered but rejected:

  • Increasing class sizes to over 30 pupils. Current legislation stipulates that Key Stage One classes cannot exceed 30 pupils with only one qualified teacher. This does not apply to Key Stage two. However, school accommodation does not normally allow for more that 30 pupils in one class base.
  • The use of community halls as emergency class bases. This option had been explored with a number of head teachers in relation to the development of the Partner School initiative. However, the revised strategy seeks to deliver a programme of permanent expansions.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed


1.         to approve the budget of £24.993 million to proceed with the primary expansion programme through to completion and noted that the £1.8 million of pre-construction costs included in this total had been approved through a portfolio report (KD3599) under the rule 16 (special urgency) procedures;


2.         that the Cabinet Members for Finance and Property and Children and Young People and the Directors of Schools and Children’s Services and Finance, Resources and Customer Services continue to have delegated powers to approve the construction contracts as the programme progresses;


3.         that following Cabinet Member approval (as per decision 2 above), the Directors of Schools and Children’s Services and Finance, Resources and Customer Services are given delegated authority to sign the individual contracts for works at each Phase One primary expansion project school;


4.         noted that following the portfolio report of 14 August 2012 and the completion of the informal consultation phase regarding proposed expansions, statutory notices had been published for expansions at Garfield, Walker, Prince of Wales, Grange Park, Worcesters, George Spicer, Highfield, Houndsfield and Edmonton County schools. Portfolio decisions in December and early January would be made following the end of the statutory consultation process. 


Reasons for recommendations: The Council has an overriding statutory duty to provide sufficient pupil places to meet anticipated demand. The strategy will deliver the additional places required in the areas of the highest demand (section 5 of the report refers).

(Key decision – reference number 3598)

Supporting documents: