A report from the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture is attached. This seeks approval, for recommendation to Council, of the proposed submission North Circular Area Action Plan and the subsequent consultation and submission, together with the necessary supporting documents to the Secretary of State for independent examination. (Key decision – reference number 3609)
(Report No.155)
(8.55 – 9.00 pm)
Note: Reference copies of the North Circular Area Action Plan will be placed in the Members’ Library, Group Offices and on the Council’s website.
Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing) left the meeting for the this item.
Councillor Del Goddard (Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture (No.155) seeking approval of the proposed submission North Circular Area Action Plan and the subsequent consultation and submission, together with the necessary supporting documents to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
1. that the report had to come to Cabinet and Council as the proposal was the final one before submission to the Planning Inspectorate. Previous meetings had taken place with the local Ward Councillors and the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee;
2. that a schedule of minor changes to the North Circular Area Action Plan: Proposed Submission was circulated at the meeting and is set out below:
1 |
P.52 |
Fig. 15 |
Within the Key, Site D should be Garfield School and Site C is St Paul’s Church. Site G is Friern Barnet Shops |
2 |
P.54 |
Fig. 16 |
Key should read open space B is locally known as open space outside Bowes Road Library |
3 |
P.57 |
Policy 12 point 7 |
Take out the number “2” and just leave as “additional” forms of entry |
4 |
P.23 |
Typo page 23 |
4th paragraph should be capital “S” for The Strategy |
5 |
P.101 |
Page 101 |
Change the diagram box of current stage to read Proposed Submission and not Pre-submission |
6 |
P.36 |
Policy 8 : Transport |
Add further wording that clarifies that upon adoption of the NCAAP, the local plan policies map will be amended to remove the designated safeguarded line. |
7 |
P.91 |
Policy 29 Green Lanes/A406 Junction Site South East (Site 19 Old Labour Exchange Site) |
Change of land use to a mix of commercial with residential above and reflect designation in the Opportunities Map on P.27; Fig. 6 on P.25 Capacity schedule on P.29 |
8 |
P.69 |
Site 8: Arnos Pool, Bowes Rd Library |
Add new Policy Text. “Any new development would be required to protect and enhance the existing Grade II listed buildings, and should take account of the following: 1.There is an opportunity to extend the existing medical centre building which would improve the range and quality of community facilities on the site. 2. Any extension to the medical centre should be to the north of the existing building and improve the visibility and profile of the facilities from Bowes Road. 3. Any proposal for new development on the site should include the retention of the existing open space and important landscape features and include a landscaping scheme that enhances the setting of the buildings. |
9 |
P.33 |
Policy 5: Modern Health Care Facilities |
Within final sentence of policy include the wording “including mental health”. This would reflect stakeholder feedback from public health and to ensure that the wording used in the document allowed maximum flexibility on the options available and to support a variety of health issues. |
10 |
P.74 & 75 |
Policy 22: Ritz Parade |
Amend supporting text, penultimate sentence to read: “comprehensive change may also enable new development to be of mixed use and higher density than currently exists; subject to and in keeping with the character of the area. Development must be of high quality and make a positive architectural contribution to the local area”. |
11 |
P.26 & 27 |
Fig.7 Opportunity Site Plan |
Amend boundary to accurately match the New Southgate Master Plan boundary. |
3. that it was now intended that the Proposed Submission consultation would run for 7 weeks to allow for the Easter holiday period (from 8 March to 26 April). This had been timed to coincide with SWEP Community Lunch on 9 March. Paragraph 4.1 of the report would be amended for Council to reflect this. It would also clarify that at the point of formal Council publication, a statement of conformity would be sought from the Mayor of London and the GLA would also have 7 weeks in which time to respond;
4. TfL were still considering their position on the historical safeguarding line and a formal line would be expected during the 7 week consultation period;
5. that the NCAAP was supported by an Equalities Impact Assessment, a Consultation Strategy and a Sustainability Appraisal; these would be signed off by the Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration before formal publication.
Alternative Options Considered: None. Having an adopted and comprehensive planning framework for the area provides a basis for setting the area specific planning policies by which decisions on development could be guided. This was essential to support the Council’s regeneration programme, particularly in light of on-going as well as future investment opportunities.
1. the approval of the proposed submission version of the NCAAP, as amended above, for a statutory 7 week publication and subsequent submission to the Secretary of State.
2. agreement that the Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration be authorised to agree the publication of the Sustainability Appraisal and Equality Impact Assessment of the proposed submission North Circular Area Action Plan.
3. agreement that the Director of Regeneration, Leisure and Culture, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration, to agree appropriate changes to the proposed submission version of the North Circular Area Action Plan and undertake any further consultation required, in the run up to and during the public examination process into the document, in response to representations received, requests from the Planning Inspector and any emerging evidence, guidance or legal advice. Changes of a substantive nature may be considered by the Local Plan Cabinet Sub-Committee.
Reason: To have an adopted and comprehensive planning framework for the area.
(Key decision – reference number 3609)
Supporting documents: