Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements (if any) in connection with the ordinary Council Business


The Mayor made the following announcements:


·              She introduced Andy Rippington to the Council, as the newly appointed chauffer attendant and wished him every success for his time at Enfield.


The Mayor highlighted the following achievements:


(a)         Mayor’s Award for Enfield’s Public Speaking Competition


The Mayor advised that she was delighted to be joined at the meeting by 2 pupils (Renee Kapuku and Chinma Johnson-Nwosu) from St Anne’s Catholic High School, as winners of the Mayor’s Award at the Enfield’s Public Speaking Competition.


The pupils had impressed the judges with their poise and ability and both were invited to read their winning speeches to the Council.


Although unable to attend the meeting, she also reported that Michael Deane from Bowes Primary School, had won the Primary Public Speaking competition for the second year in a row.


All three pupils were warmly congratulated by the Council for their achievements.


(b)        Fighting Fraud Award – Enfield’s Counter Fraud Team


The Mayor was delighted to report that Council’s Counter Fraud Team in partnership with the Enfield Police Payback Team, had won a Fighting Fraud Award, supported by the National Fraud Authority.


These inaugural awards were for public sector organisations and recognised the good work, innovation, and best practice being developed and implemented within the public sector to combat and prevent fraud.


The awards covered five categories which were collaboration, fraud awareness, innovation, prevention, and sanctions.  The Counter Fraud Team had picked up the top prize in the sanctions category, which was awarded for the success the joint partnership had achieved in using proceeds of crime legislation to recover funds from those people who committed fraud.  The collaboration had also resulted in the training and mentoring of a Counter Fraud Team investigation officer to become a fully accredited financial investigator and the training of another council officer.


The Counter Fraud Team had been one of three organisations shortlisted under the category of 'The Sanctions Award'.


The following members of the Team were invited by the Mayor to come forward and collect their award – Leslie Marshall (Counter Fraud Manager); Dectective Sergeant Angus Naismith (Enfield Police Payback Team); Michael Tobin (Counter Fraud Investigator); Bob Cundick (Counter Fraud Team Leader); Graham Soar (Senior Housing Investigator); Belma Mahmut (Intelligence Officer); Debra McIntosh & Michael Musgrave (Counter Fraud Investigator)


The Council congratulated the team for their success in winning the award.


(c)         Home Office – Crime Fighting Award


The Mayor was again delighted to announce that the work being undertaken within Enfield to tackle gangs and serious youth violence had won the prestigious national Tilley Award.  These awards recognised innovative crime fighting projects where local councils, police, community groups and the public had successfully worked together to deal with local problems. Enfield was the first London Borough to receive the prestigious award.


The award had recognised:


·              Enfield’s unique approach to tackling gangs had led to a long term reduction of 28% in youth violence. This had included inviting gang members to England’s first Call-In, a hard hitting court session where the mother of a murdered young person, A&E surgeons and former gang members exposed the harsh reality of gang life.


·              The work undertaken to redesign areas where gangs operate, contributing to a significant drop in anti-social behaviour. Additionally, frequent weapon sweeps had led to over 200 hidden knives and guns being removed. Enfield was also the first North London Borough to obtain a gang-injunction on a prolific gang member, leading to a 14 month prison sentence.


·              The reductions, as a result of the activities identified, in both serious violence and anti-social behaviour in key gang areas. Feelings of safety had increased in Enfield and a substantial number of gang members had now rejected their criminal lifestyle.


As author of the report Sandeep Broca – Youth Crime Analyst was invited by the Mayor to collect the award and was joined by the following members of the Team - Andrea Clemons (Acting Assistant Director, Community Safety & Environment); Steve Hodgson (Anti Social Behaviour and Crime Manager) & Inspector Jim Clune (Metropolitan Police – Enfield).


The Council congratulated the team for their success in winning the award.


The Mayor reminded all Members that her Spring Ball would be taking place on Saturday 16th March at Forty Hall.  Tickets were priced at £45 or £40 for a table of 10 and included a Bucks Fizz reception followed by a 3 course meal and entertainment.  She hoped as many Members as possible would be able to join her and support the event.