Agenda item

COUNCILLORS’ QUESTION TIME (Time Allowed - 30 minutes)

11.1    Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.


The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”


Submission of urgent questions to Council requires the Member when submitting the question to specify why the issue could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the deadline and why it has to be considered before the next meeting.  A supplementary question is not permitted.


11.2    Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


The list of forty one questions and their written responses are attached to the agenda.


1.1    Urgent Questions


None received.


1.2    Questions by Councillors



1.      The forty one questions on the Council’s agenda which had received a written reply from the relevant Cabinet Member or Scrutiny/Committee Chair.


2.      The following supplementary questions received for the questions indicated below:


Question 2 (proposals to dispose of Council owned golf courses) from Councillor Levy to Councillor Stafford, Cabinet Member for Finance & Property.


“At the last Council meeting Councillor Zetter referred to the potential of selling off Council owned golf courses.  Can the Cabinet Member confirm if Councillor Zetter has identified which courses he was referring to?”


Reply from Councillor Stafford:


“Unfortunately Councillor Zetter has not shared his thoughts with me on which courses he feels are surplus to requirement.  Perhaps these proposals will be developed in more detail as part of his Groups Manifesto for next years local elections”


Question 3 (New Homes Bonus and s.106 levy) from Councillor Lavender to Councillor Stafford, Cabinet Member for Finance & Property


“The written response to this question made reference to assumptions being included with the 2013/14 budget relating to the New Homes Bonus.  What were the assumptions made and which sites do they relate to?”


Reply from Councillor Stafford:


“These assumptions were detailed within the budget setting report.  T is also important to remember in relation to the allegations made about s.106 shortfall that s.106 contributions are treated as earmarked expenditure and will not have any impact on the medium term financial strategy.  A written response would be provided in relation to the sites for the New Homes Bonus.”


Question 4 (funding for rape crisis work) from Councillor Ibrahim to Councillor Hamilton, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing & Public Health


Whilst grateful for the assurance received from the Mayors Office for Policing & Crime (MOPAC) that they will not be reducing their funding contribution towards the rape crisis centres can the Cabinet Member advise what she feels caused MOPAC to decide not to reduce their investment in these centres.


Reply from Councillor Hamilton:


“There is no doubt that the recent motion agreed by Council and subsequent lobbying by representatives from both Groups on the Council did influence MOPACs decision.  However it was important to note the need for lobbying to continue in relation to the Community Safety Fund, which at the same time had seen a 59% reduction over recent years.”


Question 6 (youth achievement foundation) from Councillor Cranfield to Councillor Orhan, Cabinet Member for Children & Young People


Can I congratulate the Cabinet Member on the implementation of the scheme and ask for further details on the prospects for young people on the programme.


Reply from Councillor Orhan:


“The RAISE – Youth Achievement in Enfield is a full time programme which incorporates:

·              a BTEC centralised learning programme

·              core learning in functional English and functional Maths

·              community and work internship placements

·              college placement

The unique programme supports learners from the moment they leave home, providing holistic support to enable the student to best manage the external pressures that can hinder their achievements.  In addition it focuses on the development of social interaction, engagement in curriculum working and increased positive behaviour routines and attitudes.


Current students have, within a six month period, increased their average attendance from 30% to 85%, are engaging in work related learning and the curriculum as well as communicating more effectively.  Within the first eight week period all learners had made at least one sub level progress.


Teachers from the schools who have bought places on the 2012 programme have also been complimentary about the significant changes in their students. Students on the programme have also provided very positive feedback with one commenting that it had helped them to choose the right pathway and get a job.”


Question 7 (s.106 in relation to Cat Hill development & public health) from Councillor Lavender to Councillor Hamilton, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing & Public Health


“Why has the Cabinet Member copied the response provided under question 5 and not directly answered the question in relation to the discharge of public health functions?”


Reply from Councillor Hamilton:


“My response reflects the fact that you had asked the same question, so I have responded in the same way.”

Supporting documents: