Agenda item

Establishment of Health & Wealth Being Board Enfield

To receive a report from the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care seeking approval to the establishment of a Health and Wellbeing Board and the specific proposals for Enfield.         (Report No.200)


Councillor McGowan moved and Councillor Orhan seconded the report of the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care (No.200) seeking approval to the establishment of the Health & Wellbeing Board in Enfield.



1.      The requirement on all unitary councils contained within the Health & Social Care Act 2012, to establish a Health & Wellbeing Board by 1 April 2013.

2.      The partnership status of the Boards which were being set up with the aim of bringing greater democratic accountability and legitimacy to the NHS and promoting better integration across health and social care in the interests of patients and the public.

3.      The proposals for the Health & Wellbeing Board in Enfield had been designed to reflect the practice and experience gained from operation of the pilot arrangements by Enfield’s Shadow Board, which had been in existence since December 2011.

4.      The key initiatives developed across Enfield as a result of partnership working mechanisms in relation to health and social care including programmes relating to blood testing and to tackle child obesity, which the Health & Wellbeing Board had been designed to continue building upon.

5.      The concerns raised by the Opposition Group at the lack of any Opposition Member within the proposed membership of the Board, as a means of encouraging cross party engagement, support and also, where relevant, greater accountability in relation to the work of the Board.  Whilst noting that the requirements for political proportionality contained within the Local Government Housing Act 1989 had been disapplied in relation to Health & Wellbeing Boards, it was pointed out that this, at the same time, had enabled individual Councils to decide their own approach towards councillor representation on the Board.


As a result of these concerns Councillor Headley moved and Councillor Chamberlain seconded the following amendment to recommendation 2.2 in the report:


"To agree the membership of the Board as proposed in para 3.4.2 of the report, subject to the Opposition Lead Member for Adult Social Services being included as a additional member”


Following a debate, the amendment was put to the vote with the following result:


For: 22

Against: 33

Absentions: 0


The amendment was not therefore approved.  Members then moved on to consider the original and substantive recommendations within the report, which were put to the vote and approved with the following result:


For: 33

Against: 22

Abstentions: 0


In reaching this decision members noted the requirements, highlighted as a result of the Francis Public Inquiry into operation of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust to ensure that a suitable separation was provided in the relationship between health scrutiny and the Executive, which it was felt needed to be reflected in relation to membership of the Board.  As a way forward it was suggested that the concerns and possible solution (involving opposition health scrutiny members not being allowed to serve on the Board) highlighted by the Opposition Group be raised for further consideration with the Members & Democratic Services Group.




(1)    To approve the Terms of Reference for the Board, as set out in Appendix A of the report.


(2)    To agree the membership of the Board as detailed in para 3.4.2 of the report.


(3)    That no further functions be delegated to the Board, other than those proposed by statute.


(4)    To note that the Council’s Code of Conduct will apply to all Board members.


(5)    To approve inclusion of the Terms of Reference for the Health & Wellbeing Board within the Council’s Constitution.

Supporting documents: