Agenda item

Integrated Transition Fund

To receive a report on the development of plans for the Integrated Transformation Fund.


The Board is asked to agree terms of reference for the Integrated Transformation Fund Working Groups. 


The Board received a report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care, on the development of the local Integration and Transformation Fund Plan. 


The following points were highlighted from the report:


·       The Fund has recently been renamed the Better Care Fund by the Government. 


·       A sub group of the Board with a working group has been set up to develop a plan for the use of the fund during the transition period from 2014/15. 


·       The Board was asked to agree the terms of reference for the sub board and working group. 


·       The fund will come into being fully in 2015/16.


·       Formal national guidance on the operation of the fund was due to be published in the week following the meeting. 


·       A joint draft plan should be ready by February 2014, for final approval by the 4 April 2014. 


·       There has been a high level of engagement in the working group, progress is being made and key milestones agreed.  A further report will be provided for the next meeting. 


·       No new money is being offered for this work.  The funds will be taken from the CCG’s existing resources.


·       Agreement will be required from the CCG, the Council and the Health and Wellbeing Board. 


·       £1billion of the funding will be linked to performance outcomes. 


2.       Discussion of the Report


The following points were raised during the discussion: 


2.1     The purpose of the fund was that from a public point of view care should appear to be provided seamlessly.  It was therefore important to involve patients and service users. 


2.2     An independent professional advisor is to be employed to move the work forward. 


2.3     The plan for the fund will be outcome focussed.  Ideas will be subject to public engagement and testing.  It will dovetail with the work taking place on the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy. 


2.4     The Acute providers will be involved.  They are already aware of the proposals and there is some concern about how the changes will be implemented particularly in the changeover period between the new system coming in and the old system being completed. 


2.5     Some beds will be lost from the acute system to free up funds for integration.  This will be a difficult period to manage and it will be necessary to find ways to avoid destabilising the whole service while changes are made. Good planning will be essential.


2.6     It will be essential for the Council and the CCG to work closely together and to be mindful of others circumstances, when managing the changes.  The fund planning group will involve the five neighbouring boroughs, especially Haringey which also uses North Middlesex Hospital. 


2.7     The Government’s purpose in making these changes is to encourage authorities to work together more closely, more quickly.


2.8     It was suggested that the University College London Partners should also be engaged in the planning for the fund. 


2.9     Maintaining the stability of the acute providers would be essential. 




1.               To note the progress to date on the development of the Better Care (Integrated Transformation) Fund Plan.

2.               To note the key issues raised. 

3.               To endorse the direction of travel set out in the initial scoping of the Better Care Fund Plan.

4.               To note and agree the terms of reference for the Better Care Fund Sub Board and Working Group.          

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