Agenda item

Sub Board Updates

To receive the following updates from the Sub Boards:


a.     Health Improvement Partnership Board

b.     Joint Commissioning Board

c.     Improving Primary Care Board


1.               Health Improvement Partnership Sub Board Update


The Board received a report from Dr Shahed Ahmad, Director of Public Health updating the Board on the work of the Health Improvement Partnership Sub Board. 


Allison Duggal, Public Health Consultant presented the report to the Board. 




1.               The smoking quitters target has been achieved to date.  Work continues in addressing the issue of smoking in cars following the national vote in favour of banning smoking in cars with children. 

2.               The health needs assessments are continuing and the majority should be completed by the end of the financial year.  A work plan has been drawn up for next year which will include Female Genital Mutilation. 

3.               In terms of healthy lifestyles, many schools are receiving healthy schools awards. 

4.               Councillor Orhan was pleased with the decision to introduce legislation to ban smoking in cars and congratulated all involved. 

5.               In terms of the CCG authorisation process, the final conditions were lifted in September 2013. 

6.               Enfield was now top of their peer group in terms of premature mortality.  Focus would now be directed on tackling inequalities such as the high rates of premature mortality among women in Upper Edmonton. 


AGREED to note the contents of the report in particular:


·       Enfield has the 16th highest smoking prevalence in London.  The smoking quitters target has been achieved.

·       The JSNA is nearing completion

·       A review of maternity services is to take place in September 2014

·       Public Health England has published data on premature mortality for all boroughs.


2.               Joint Commissioning Sub Board Update


The Board received a report from Bindi Nagra, Assistant Director Health, Housing and Adult Social Care, Strategy and Resources, updating the Board on the work of the Joint Commissioning Sub Board. 


Bindi Nagra presented the report to the Board: 




1.              Before the winter period there had been concerns about the impact on the local hospitals accident and emergency services during the winter.  Extra funding had been received from NHS England.  As part of a range of measures to address this, 37 step down beds in care homes had been purchased – all but 4 of which were in the Borough. 

2.              The CCG had been asked to write up what had been done as an example of good practice. 

3.              There were still some issues around the transfer of care work and there had been a few issues at the Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital Trust in the past two weeks. 

4.              Alternatives were being sought to provide funding for the Enfield Dementia Friendly Communities, following the failure of the NESTA bid. 

5.              Enfield is one of 32 local areas which have been selected on to the second stage of the bidding process for the Fulfilling Lives Big Lottery Fund programme.  Enfield Voluntary Action has been granted £18,000 to enable them to carry out the work required to progress the application. 


AGREED to note the contents of the report.


3.               Improving Primary Care Sub Group Update


The Board received a report updating them on the work to date to implement the Primary Care Strategy across Enfield.    


Liz Wise, Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group Chief Officer, presented the report to the Board. 




1.              We were now in the second year of a three year plan to improve services. 

2.              The report provided update information on key initiatives. 

3.              NHS England had been very complimentary about the HiLo initiative. 


AGREED to note the report. 


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