Agenda item


To consider any requests for deputations which are received for presentation to this Cabinet meeting.


Councillor Doug Taylor (Leader of the Council) welcomed the deputation to the meeting and invited the spokesperson, Mrs Gonul Daniels, to present the deputation to Cabinet on behalf of the South West Enfield Action Team (SWEAT).


Councillor Ertan Hurer had sponsored the deputation. The deputation comprised Gonul Daniels (spokesperson), Nicola Stapleton, Maria Licheri Alexandrou and Rudi Ramdarshan.


Mrs Daniels presented a detailed deputation to Cabinet supported by hand-outs provided to Members and a map of the area in question displayed at the meeting. SWEAT was campaigning for increased school provision for areas where families could not get their children into their local school, in particular in the Fox Lane area and next to the Barnet border.


The Group had been disappointed that the free school application made by Ashmole Academy had been unsuccessful. Mrs Daniels highlighted sections of two Cabinet reports as presented to Cabinet on 19 June 2013 and to Cabinet this evening (as set out in the hand-outs provided at the meeting). The level of surplus capacity proposed for September 2015 was also questioned and specific concerns expressed.


SWEAT was continuing to campaign for a 2 form entry school in the Fox Lane and Barnet borders area. The Group also sought the Council’s support for Ashmole Academy in its application with the Education Funding Agency. The motion discussed at the recent Council meeting had been acknowledged.


Councillor Taylor thanked Mrs Daniels for her comprehensive deputation and sought questions from Cabinet Members. The following issues arose:


1.               Councillor Sitkin asked for SWEAT’s views on the proposed provision of a 2 form entry school at Grovelands. SWEAT responded that they supported the proposal.

2.               Councillor McGowan sought clarification from officers on the projections for satisfying school places in the Borough. Andrew Fraser, Director of Schools and Children’s Services, confirmed that 4410 additional primary school places had been provided since 2010. An annual report was presented to Cabinet and pupil projection figures were reviewed annually. A number of factors were taken into consideration. It was noted that the projected demand for the south west area was less than previously projected for September 2014.

3.               Councillor Taylor asked Andrew Fraser to confirm why it was important not to overprovide on school place provision. It was noted that overprovision was not an effective use of public money and would have negative effects on school budgets.

4.               In response to a question raised by Councillor Charalambous, Mrs Daniels advised that Ashmole Academy was likely to make a re-application in October 2014 with an opening target date of 2016.

5.               Councillor Taylor noted the differences which had been highlighted in the previous Cabinet report and the report being presented to Cabinet this evening. Andrew Fraser explained the differences in projected demand in the area in question and that this was because of the annual release of population statistics from the Greater London Authority. He added that the Council was only able to provide for the needs identified.


Councillor Taylor thanked the deputation for their attendance. Members then considered Report No.15 – Strategy and Approach to Delivering Pupil Places, as detailed in Minute No.6 below.