Agenda item

Alma Estate Regeneration - Programme Update (including Dujardin Mews Project)

A report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This provides a programme update. (Report No.227, agenda part 2 also refers). (Key decision – reference number 3967)

(Report No.225)

(9.10 – 9.15 pm)


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.225) providing a programme update on the Alma Estate Regeneration, including the Dujardin Mews project.




1.               That Report No.227 also referred as detailed in Minute No.28 below.


2.               The programme update provided within the report. Councillor Oykener outlined the key issues and changes for Members’ attention together with any budget implications, as set out in the report. This programme represented the largest estate improvement scheme in the Borough.


3.               Councillor Stafford reported that the recommendations contained within the report could be achieved within the combined budget already agreed for the two schemes, as highlighted in section 6.1.1 of the report.


4.               Councillor Orhan reported that she had attended a number of community engagement groups in her role as a Ward Councillor for Ponders End. The reception from residents had been overwhelmingly positive. The project would enhance Ponders End and was an exciting project for the Borough. Councillor Orhan highlighted the need to keep street clutter to a minimum.


5.               Councillor McGowan expressed his appreciation to Cabinet Members, the Labour Group and Officers for pushing the project forward. The project would transform this area of Ponders End.


6.               Councillor Brett highlighted the importance of wireless connectivity and satellite provision. Councillor Oykener confirmed that these issues were being considered.


7.               Councillor Sitkin highlighted the proposals with regard to community and retail provision and the processes which would be followed. He was pleased to note the proposed use of the Lee Valley Heat Network.


8.               Councillor Orhan questioned the future provision for existing businesses. It was noted that Cabinet had already given a commitment that these lessees should have first right of refusal on the new commercial premises, as detailed in paragraph 3.23 of the report.


9.               Councillor McGowan asked that effective monitoring be undertaken of the use of local labour on the development.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED the alternative options which had been considered as set out in full in section 4 of the report.


DECISION: The Cabinet


1.               In relation to both schemes, noted that all of the recommendations could be achieved without exceeding the combined budget for the two schemes.


In relation to the Alma Estate, Cabinet:


2.               Noted the progress being made in obtaining vacant possession on the Alma Estate as described in paragraphs 3.11 and 3.12 of the report and approved the budget detailed in the part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers) from the Housing Revenue Account to obtain vacant possession of the homes.


3.               Agreed the proposal at paragraph 3.27 of the report to increase the number of Council homes included in Phase 1 of the proposed redevelopment of the Alma Estate from 80 to approximately 98, subject to planning.


4.               Noted that, based on current predictions of tenants indicating they would like to remain on the Estate, there was a risk that the Council might be required to purchase additional new Council homes. A report to acquire further properties from Countryside would be submitted to Cabinet for approval once numbers and budget requirements had been finalised.


5.               Agreed the proposal at paragraph 3.33 of the report to construct the retail element detailed in the part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers) to be included in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the proposed redevelopment of the Alma Estate.


6.               Agrees the proposal at paragraph 3.36 of the report to being forward the development of Phase 1 of the proposed redevelopment of the Alma Estate and authorised the Council to give an undertaking for the amount detailed in the part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers) to Countryside to underwrite the costs of demolition.


7.               Agrees the proposal at paragraph 3.41 of the report to include homes for older people within the proposed redevelopment of the Alma Estate and to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Environment, acting in consultation with the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services, to agree terms for a Deed of Variation to facilitate the inclusion of the extra care homes.


8.               Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Environment, acting in consultation with the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services, to agree whether or not to exercise the Council’s option to purchase the right to receive the ground rental income stream from Countryside on the terms contained in the Development Agreement.


9.               Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Environment, acting in consultation with the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services to agree the terms for the disposal of the right to receive the ground rental income stream on the open market in return for a capital sum.


10.           Agreed increases in the budget for the Alma Estate for project and staffing costs and payments to the contractor as detailed in the Part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers).


11.           Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Environment, acting in consultation with the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services to agree the terms of such further variations to the Development Agreement as required to implement the development scheme within the development boundary agreed at the December 2014 meeting of Cabinet (Key decision no.4003).


That in relation to the Dujardin Mews scheme, Cabinet:


12.           Noted the progress at paragraph 3.47 of the report being made in the construction of new homes on Dujardin Mews and approved the budget detailed in the part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers) from the Housing Revenue Account to provide for the inclusion of one in-house lift in one of the new homes and for the increase in costs due to on site delays.


13.           Agreed to recommend to the Council an increase in the Capital Programme to cover the extra costs of Alma Estate and Dujardin schemes. These additional costs would be funded from the receipts detailed in the part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers).


14.           Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Environment, acting in consultation with the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services to agree the terms of such further variations to the building contract as required to implement the above.


15.           Agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director Legal and Governance Services to complete such deeds necessary arising from the above recommendations.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to agree an increase in the Capital Programme to cover the extra costs of Alma Estate and Dujardin schemes. These additional costs would be funded from the receipts detailed in the part 2 report (Minute No.28 below refers).


Reason: There were a number of reasons for the recommendations as detailed in section 5 of the report.

(Key decision – reference number 3967)

Supporting documents: