Agenda item

Application to Change the Penalty Charge Notice Banding

A report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks approval to the Council applying to London Council’s Traffic Enforcement Committee to increase parking and traffic Penalty Charge notice bands from band B to band A. (Key decision – reference number 3970)

(Report No.54)

(8.45 – 8.50 pm)


Councillor Chris Bond (Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.54) seeking approval of an application to increase parking and traffic Penalty charge Notice (PCN) bands from band B to A.




1.          The aim behind seeking to increase the PCN charging band as an effective deterrent in terms of reducing the level of parking contraventions and ensuring increased compliance with parking restrictions across the borough, with associated safety implications.


2.          The impact of similar increases in PCN charging bands in other London Boroughs, which had resulted in a reduction in the number of PCNs being issued, as detailed in section 5 of the report.


3.     The potential impact of the proposal in terms of reducing the level of PCN revenue receipts, should any increase in charges result in a reduction in the number of PCNs being issued.


4.     The following comments highlighted by Councillor Neville, on behalf of the Opposition Group, who had requested to speak on the item at the meeting:


a.     concern was expressed at the comparison statistics included within the report as a basis for the proposal, given they only dated back to 2010-11 and covered a period when car use was recognised as being more limited due to the economic recession.  It was felt a further breakdown was also required in relation to the split between PCNs issued in Resident Parking zones and Pay & Display areas.


b.     the need to recognise the statutory requirements in relation to the setting of parking charges, which required enforcement authorities to adopt the lowest charge level consistent with a high level of public acceptability and compliance.


c.     the need to recognise the potential impact on residents of the borough and ensure that attention was focussed on the enforcement of parking contraventions on double yellow lines, for which use of a higher charge was supported.


5.     The assurance provided by the Director of Regeneration & Environment on the level of enforcement activity in relation to double yellow lines and in terms of the approach towards the issuing of PCNs which had resulted in the borough consistently having one of the best records in defending appeals against PCNs.


Alternative Options Considered: Continue with the current levels of enforcement and penalty values, in the hope that compliance will improve.


DECISION: Cabinet agreed:


1.               That the Council apply to London Councils’ Traffic Enforcement Committee to increase parking and traffic Penalty Charge Notice bands from band B to band A.


2.               To note that in the event the application was successful, a further report would be forthcoming to recommend the implementation of the higher band.



1.     London Councils Traffic Enforcement Committee determines the parking enforcement band enforceable in the London Borough of Enfield dependant on the demand of parking in the area. The higher level of penalty may, subject to a successful application being made to London Councils apply to contraventions enforced in the borough.

2      The failure to address the current issue of non-compliance will only result in even greater pressure on the road network, including residential streets in the very near future.

3      The impact of the introduction of higher band charges in both the London Borough of Waltham Forest & Haringey, which had resulted in a reduction in the number of PCNs issued.  (Key decision – reference number 3970)

Supporting documents: