Agenda item


A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Schools and Children’s Services is attached. This presents the Annual Reports 2013-14. (Non key)

(Report No.79)

(8.20 – 8.30 pm)


Councillor Taylor (Leader of the Council) welcomed Marian Harrington (Independent Chair of the Adults Safeguarding Board) and Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of the Children’s Safeguarding Board) to the meeting and invited them to present their Annual reports to the Cabinet.


Safeguarding Adults Board


Marian Harrington stated that the Board was due to become a statutory body in April 2015. The new requirements of the Care Act were highlighted. The presentation included the partnership of bodies which worked together to safeguard adults and the valuable work which was carried out by the Board. The work undertaken included preventative work, awareness raising, recognition and support of victims and, the investigation of allegations. It was noted that the number of referrals was increasing.


Members were advised that Enfield had a large number of care homes. The legislative requirements were noted. Work was being undertaken to investigate areas of correlation, for example abuse and domestic violence. The Board had close links with the police and community protection.


In response Ray James (Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care) recognised that the increase in the number of referrals was a challenge. He highlighted the legislative and funding requirements with regard to independent assessments. Representations had been made to Central Government seeking appropriate funding for this area of responsibility, as yet this issue was unresolved.


Ray James, Councillor McGowan (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) and, Councillor Taylor thanked Marian for her significant contribution as Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board and recognised and praised the valuable work that the Board was undertaking.


Safeguarding Children’s Board


Geraldine Gavin reported that the Children’s Board was a statutory body. As with the Adults Board, the Children’s Board was represented by all appropriate agencies. The number of significant national headlines in respect of child protection and safeguarding was acknowledged; this needed to be balanced against the needs of Enfield in particular. The Board was also looking at areas of correlation including child poverty, housing and domestic violence. The Board worked closely with the Safeguarding Adults Board. The importance of good communications with all parties involved was highlighted. The Board was a multi-disciplinary outward looking body with significant areas of joint working being carried out. There were currently two serious case reviews underway which would be published in the new year.


Andrew Fraser (Director of Schools and Children’s Services) expressed his thanks to Geraldine for her significant and valuable work in leading the Board and her visits to front-line services across partner agencies.


In response to an issue raised by Councillor Yasemin Brett, it was noted that events were held which included representation from the voluntary sector. This was an area that would be developed and explored further.


Councillor Taylor expressed his thanks and appreciation to Geraldine and the Board for their valuable work.


Councillor Don McGowan (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care (No.79) presenting the Safeguarding Children Board and Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Reports 2013-14.


NOTED, as detailed above, the progress being made in protecting vulnerable adults and children in the Borough as set out in the annual reports from the Safeguarding Children Board and Safeguarding Adults Board.


Alternative Options Considered: Not applicable. The Annual reports were being presented to Members for information.


Reason: To advise Members of the progress being made in protecting vulnerable adults and children in the Borough.

(Non key)

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