Agenda item

Lee Valley Heat Network Business Plan

To receive a report from the Director of Regeneration & Environment providing additional information on development of the Lee Valley Heat Network Business Plan in support of the recommended inclusion of additional funding on the capital programme.    (Report No. 27)


Please note Report No.25A on the Part 1 agenda also refers.


Members are asked to note:


·                The Phase I Business Plan was approved by Cabinet on 23 July 2014.  Council is being asked to note the additional information provided  as part of the approval being sought for the addition of funding on the Council’s Capital Programme to support development costs through to financial close in September 2015.  (Key Decision – Reference Number 3706)


·                The additional appendices referred to in the report are available for members reference in the Members Library, Group Offices and with this agenda as a supplemental pack on the Members Portal and Democracy page of the Council’s website for download.  If required additional copies can be obtained by contacting James Kinsella (Governance Team).


(This document contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).


The debate on the Lee Valley Heat Network Business Plan then continued with Councillor Sitkin moving and Councillor Stafford seconding the Part 2 report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment. (No.27A) providing additional financial information in support of the Business Plan and recommended inclusion of additional funding in the capital programme.




1.         The supporting financial information in relation to development and delivery of the Business Plan, as detailed within the report, which had been approved by Cabinet on 23 July 2014 in conjunction with Report No.25A on the Part 1 agenda.


2.      Council approval was only initially being sought to an investment of £1.285m in order to fund development costs up to financial close in September 2015.  Whilst Cabinet had provided an “in principle” commitment to the full investment, this would be subject to further work during the final development stage and subsequent final approval in accordance with the Council’s governance arrangements.


3.      The concerns expressed by the Opposition Group in relation to the technical and financial assumptions on which the Business Plan had been based and to ensure that the project costs and benefits were kept under objective review as the project was finalised.


4.      The assurance provided, in response to the concerns in 3. above, that both a rational and objective approach would be taken to the review of the Business Plan and costs in order to ensure that the project was progressed on a viable basis.


(Exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended).


Following further discussion, members then agreed to return to Part 1 of the agenda in order to conclude the debate on the item.


Having moved back into Part 1 of the agenda the recommendation in the Part 1 report was put to the vote and agreed.  In accordance with section 15.4 of the Council Procedure Rules the Opposition Group requested a roll call vote, with the result as follows:


For: 32


Councillor Abdul Abdullahi

Councillor Dinah Barry

Councillor Chris Bond

Councillor Yasemin Brett

Councillor Alev Cazimoglu

Councillor Bambos Charalambous

Councillor Katherine Chibah

Councillor Guney Dogan

Councillor Sarah Doyle

Councillor Christiana During

Councillor Nesimi Erbil

Councillor Krystle Fonyonga

Councillor Christine Hamilton

Councillor Ahmet Hasan

Councillor Suna Hurman

Councillor Jansev Jemal

Councillor Doris Jiagge

Councillor Nneka Keazor

Councillor Adeline Kepez

Councillor Derek Levy

Councillor Mary Maguire

Councillor Don McGowan

Councillor Ayfer Orhan

Councillor Ahmet Oykener

Councillor George Savva

Councillor Rohini Simbodyal

Councillor Toby Simon

Councillor Alan Sitkin

Councillor Andrew Stafford

Councillor Claire Stewart

Councillor Doug Taylor

Councillor Ozzie Uzoanya


Against: 19


Councillor Erin Celebi

Councillor Lee Chamberlain

Councillor Jason Charalambous

Councillor Lee David-Sanders

Councillor Don Delman

Councillor Peter Fallart

Councillor Alessandro Georgiou

Councillor Elaine Hayward

Councillor Ertan Hurer

Councillor Eric Jukes

Councillor Joanne Laban

Councillor Michael Lavender

Councillor Andy Milne

Councillor Terence Neville

Councillor Ann Marie Pearce

Councillor Michael Rye

Councillor Edward Smith

Councillor Jim Steven

Councillor Glynis Vince


Abstention: 0


AGREED to approve (having noted the additional information in Report No.27A on the Part 2 agenda) the addition to the Capital Programme, of £1.285m to fund ongoing development costs for the Lee Valley Heat Network Business Plan through to financial close in September 2015.

Supporting documents: