Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION:  Approval subject to S106 Agreement and conditions

WARD:  Ponders End




1.    Introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager.

2.    Updates since publication of the officers’ report.

3.    Amendment to the recommendation.

4.    A revised list of conditions had been circulated to members today. An additional condition was also recommended that will require the submission of access road and junction details for all internal estate roads for each phase of the development.

5.    The deputation of Mr Roy Cook on behalf of Pointbid plc, owner of the adjoining site at 102 East Duck Lees Lane.

6.    The response of Ms Caroline Dawson on behalf of Planning Potential Ltd, agent for the applicant.

7.    Members expressed concern about the issues that officers had identified in the report relating to access to neighbouring sites and design/scale of buildings and asked that if the reserved matters come forward and they do not satisfactorily address these issues then the applications must be referred back to Planning Committee for consideration.

8.    Following a debate, the officers’ recommendation was unanimously approved.


AGREED that subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement to secure the following obligations, and the resolution of the outstanding sustainability matters, that the Head of Development Management / the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the revised conditions circulated and the additional condition below.


For clarity the Section 106 Agreement obligations are as follows:

  The provision of a riverside walk along the western banks of the Navigation to enhance pedestrian access to the employment area and to provide an amenity for those who work in the area. The obligation would require: the construction of the riverside walk for public use (but not dedicated as highway) and to be not less than 8m in width from the top edge of the riverbank; provision of landscaping and ancillary features such as litter bins, benches, signage; any remedial work to the riverbank as a result of the provision of the riverside walk; the riverside walk and landscaping to be maintained in perpetuity at the applicant/owner’s expense, in accordance with details to be agreed with the LPA.

  A financial contribution, the level of which is to be agreed with the applicant, to the delivery of a new pedestrian bridge over the River Lee.

  An employment and skills strategy.

  Securing the principles and the delivery mechanism of mitigations to highway network at Jeffreys Road / Mollison Avenue, East Duck Lees Lane / Mollison Avenue, Northampton Road / East Duck Lees Lane and associated changes to parking restrictions via a Section 278 Agreement (under the Highways Act 1980).

  A scheme for the public adoption via a Section 38 Agreement (under the Highways Act 1980) of the access route into the site to the north in order to provide the opportunity for vehicles to turn at the end of the publicly adopted highway.

  Details of safeguarded routes for future DEN connection (the precise wording of which to be agreed with the applicant).


Additional Condition

Each phase of the development shall not commence until details of vehicle, cycle and pedestrian access to that phase have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details prior to occupation of any part of the development within the relevant phase.

Reason:  In order to ensure that each part of the development is provided with appropriate access.

Supporting documents: