Agenda item

Bury Street West Development Options for the Former Parks Depot Site, N9

To receive a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services and Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care setting out development options for this site.(Report No.115A)

(Key Decision – Reference Number 3959)


Please note Report No.116A on the Part 2 agenda also refers.


Members are asked to note:


·                The attached report is due to be considered by Cabinet on 12th November 2014.  Subject to Cabinet approval of any recommendation, Council is only being asked to approve the addition of the budget for the proposed scheme on the Capital Programme.


·                The decision made by Cabinet on 12th November 2014 will be reported to Council on the amendment sheet tabled at the meeting.


Councillor Oykener moved and Councillor Stafford seconded a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services & Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care (No.115A) detailing development options for the Bury Street West former depot site.




1.      The development option set out in report had been agreed by Cabinet (12 November 14) with Council being asked to approve inclusion of the budget for the scheme within the Capital Programme.


2.      Additional information in support of the scheme and budget requirement was contained in an accompanying report (No.116A) to be considered as Item 1 on the Part 2 Council agenda (Min.98 refers).


3.      The context within which the development proposals had been developed which included not only the need to address housing demand within the borough but also the challenging financial constraints on the Council and need to generate income to support delivery of local services.  Within this context the Bury Street West former depot site had been identified as surplus to the Council’s requirements.


4.      The development proposals considered in relation to potential use of the site, as detailed within section 5 of the report with the final preferred option approved by Cabinet detailed in section 4 of the report.


5.      The preferred option had been based around a Private Rented Scheme (PRS) offering a mixed tenure residential development which it was felt would allow the Council to optimise housing numbers, financial returns whilst also providing environmental improvements.


6.      Concerns expressed by local residents regarding the proposed development, as part of a deputation to Cabinet (12 November 14) would be considered as part of the process in seeking to engage the local community in development of the scheme and under the planning process.


7.      Whilst not against the principle of development of the site, concerns were highlighted by the Opposition Group in relation to:


a.      the level of financial risk associated with the preferred development option given the proposed mix of tenure and self build nature of the scheme;


b.      the planning challenge in relation to the site being designated as Metropolitan Open Land;


c.       The need to fully engage and consult with local residents on development of proposals and design of the site;


8.      The need, in response to the concerns raised, to recognise the delivery option agreed as the start of the development and consultation process and assurance provided in relation to the members of Planning Committee keeping an open mind when considering any subsequent planning application.


Following a further debate the recommendations in the report were put to the vote and agreed, as follows, with the following result:


For: 36

Against: 0

Abstentions: 21




(1)     To approve inclusion of a total budget of £33m (subject to consideration of the details within the accompanying Part 2 report) in the Council’s Capital Programme for the delivery of the proposed housing scheme at the Bury Street West Depot.


(2)     To note that Cabinet had agreed:


(a)       subject to Council approving the addition of the budget for the project in the Capital Programme in 1 above, to approve the budget for Stages 1 and 2 of the project and, approve the commencement of the procurement of consultants to prepare plans for the scheme as detailed within Part 2 of the report, and delegate approval for the appointment of consultants to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services.


(b)     To approve the details of the scheme and its expenditure with the approved total budget subject to a further report being submitted to Cabinet.


(c)     To delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services to approve a mix of house types and tenure arrangements in advance of a planning application submission.


(d)     To delegate authority to the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and with the Assistant Director of Strategic Property Services to submit a planning application for the redevelopment of the site


(e)     To approve the commencement for the procurement of a developer/contractor to take forward a scheme on receipt of planning permission and award of contract will be subject to further Cabinet approval.


(f)      To note that a further in depth report would be provide updating on progress to date with development of the preferred delivery option.

Supporting documents: