Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION:  Approval subject to referral to GLA, S106 Agreement and conditions

WARD:  Lower Edmonton




1.    Introduction by the Head of Development Management.

2.    A Members’ site visit had been undertaken.

3.    A video presentation regarding the proposed works was played.

4.    Updates since the publication of the officers’ report, revised and additional conditions.

5.    Members’ discussion, noting the expected reduced odour exposure levels, and the importance of a survey at the end of the project. Members also recommended some passive measures to assist potential installation of solar panels. Thames Water were praised for their track record of engagement with residents, and for their local employment strategy.

6.    Following a debate, the officers’ recommendation was unanimously approved.


AGREED that having taken into account the Environmental Information contained in the Environmental Statement accompanying this application, and following referral to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and no objections being raised together with the signing of the Section 106 Agreement regarding the issues set out in section 6.11 of the report, the Head of Development Management / Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report and revised and additional conditions below.


Revised Condition


Condition 27- Future Feasibility of photovoltaics

1. Within 3 months of the completion of Phase 2 of the development hereby approved a written assessment regarding the potential and future feasibility for installing photovoltaics on the Deephams Sewage works site shall be submitted to for review and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. A further written assessment regarding future feasibility of installing photovoltaics shall thereafter be undertaken within 3 months of the commissioning of the completed development. If either written assessment indicates that installing solar PV’s are viable then appropriate provision shall be provided in accordance with further details to be submitted to and approved by the LPA.

Reason: In order to have appropriate regard to London Plan Policy 5.7 (Renewable energy), Policy CP20 of the core Strategy and DMD 53 and DMD 55.


Additional Conditions


Safeguarding of land for future sewage works upgrades

Prior to the commissioning of the completed development a written report providing details of the measures taken to ensure that the land within the south-east part of the site that will become vacant after the Upgrade Works is retained for future sewage works upgrades, shall be submitted to the LPA. The report shall include consideration of the potential future sewage works upgrades that the land could be utilised for and demonstrate that satisfactory access to the land to enable its future development has been retained.

Reason: To ensure that this area of land within the site can still be put to productive use for further sewage- treatment purposes or other waste functions if required.


Odour Report following completion of works

Within 18 months of the completion of the development hereby approved a report outlining the success of the Upgrade proposals in reducing odour levels from the Deephams Sewage Works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. The report shall include a comparison of odour levels against those included in the submitted Environmental Statement, with a requirement to prepare and submit for approval in writing by the LPA an Odour Mitigation Plan for the upgraded sewage works if the figures in the Environmental Statement for the number of properties affected by 3ouE/m3 are not substantially met.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed Upgrade minimises and reduces odour having regard to Policy 7.14 of the London Plan, Core Strategy Policy CP32 and Development Management Document Policies DMD64 and 65.


Prior to the installation of the odour control covers to the primary settlement tanks and anoxic zones of the aeration lanes in Stream A (Phase 2) and Stream B (Phase 3) hereby approved, details are submitted to and approved by the local planning authority to confirm that the design specification of the covers does not prejudice the potential future installation of PV panels. The development to be completed in accordance with the agreed specification unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Supporting documents: