Agenda item


RECOMMENDATION:  Approval, subject to referral to Greater London Authority and completion of a S106 Agreement and conditions

WARD:  Highlands




1.     Introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager, highlighting the key issues for Members’ consideration, and confirming that the application had been the subject of extensive public consultation; a Planning Panel was held on 7 January 2015, and a Member site visit on 24 January 2015. The application had also been referred to the Greater London Authority.


2.     An update on the S106 Agreement, that discussions were on-going and a draft agreement had yet to be prepared. The report identified the key issues that will be covered in the S106 Agreement. In addition, the following items would need to be addressed:

a.  Confirmation of land acquisition (school site)

b.  School delivery

c.  Junction works

d.  Controlled crossing

e.  Enhanced parking enforcement

f.  Parking permit restrictions for future residents

g.  Retention of Clock Tower block


3.     Conditions were summarised in the report. Additional conditions would also be required to cover:

a.  Secured by Design

b.  Details of sound insulation

c.  Lifetime Homes

d.  Condition survey and heritage statement (Clock Tower)

e.  Demolition statement (Clock Tower)

f.  Schedule of works (Clock Tower)

g.  Detail of works (Clock Tower)

h.  Retained features / works to make good (Clock Tower)

i.  Minimum residential space standards

j.  Reinstatement of Green Belt land


4.     The description of development to be amended to reflect the amendment to the access to the school, which would be entered from Hunters Way, rather than Shooters Road.


5.    A revised plan had been received supporting the above change.


6.    Receipt of 24 further representations: 15 in support of the application and 9 objecting, raising issues already identified.


7.    The Further Alterations to the London Plan had now been adopted. The policies contained therein had been considered as part of this application and did not change the recommendation put forward.


8.    The deputation of Mr David Flint of Enfield Green Party.


9.    The deputation of Mr Dickie Smart, Ridge Crest resident.


10.  The statement of Ms Joan Ryan, Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Enfield North.


11.  The statement of Councillor Glynis Vince, Highlands Ward Councillor.


12.  The statement of Mr Nick de Bois MP, Member of Parliament for Enfield North.


13.  The responses of Mr David Sloman, Chief Executive of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, and Mr Steve Powis, Medical Director of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, on behalf of the applicant.


14.  The statement of Mr Dennis Stacey on behalf of the Conservation Advisory Group.


15.  The Head of Traffic & Transportation’s responses to points raised regarding highways issues.


16.  Members’ discussion and questions responded to by officers, noting:

a.  A condition to be added to require an updated transport assessment 6 months after occupation of the development to monitor the traffic generated by the development and the need for additional mitigations.

b.  Investigation of the scope for increasing the level of affordable housing if additional external funding could be secured and overall viability not compromised.

c.  Options to be considered for the retention of other buildings of interest at the Ridgeway entrance to the site, and to ensure an appropriate setting was retained for the Clock Tower building.

d.  Reserved matters applications for substantive phases of development would be reported to Planning Committee.

e.  An informative to be attached to the decision notice addressing particular issues raised at Committee.


17.  Following a debate, the officers’ recommendation, including the additional conditions, was unanimously approved.


AGREED that, subject to referral to the Greater London Authority, and the completion of a S106 Agreement, the Head of Development Management / Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report and additional conditions set out above.

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