Agenda item

Sub Board Updates (7:45-8:25pm)

To receive the following updates from the sub boards:


a.     Health Improvement Partnership Board

b.     Joint Commissioning Board

c.     Improving Primary Care Board 

d.     Enfield Integration Board


1.               Health Improvement Partnership Board Sub Board Update


The Board received the report updating them on the work of the Health Improvement Partnership Board. 


1.1           Presentation of the Report


Allison Duggall presented the report to the Board, highlighting the following: 


·       Work was continuing to address health inequalities, working in partnership in the five key priority wards using a spectrum of different measures to ensure health outcomes are maximised and health inequalities not widened.


·       Healthy lifestyles were being promoted, addressing long term conditions, encouraging more physical activity, healthy eating and not smoking.  Key initiatives include Cycle Enfield, Active and Creative Enfield, Step Jockey and a bid to Sports England. 


·       Public Health officers, following training, are now inputting into licensing applications. 


·       A pilot project providing information and advice in pharmacies is planned, staring in May 2015.


·       Work on child poverty is being carried out by Public Health with Price Waterhouse Coopers and the Enfield 2017 team.  An action plan had been put in place to address the issues.


·       A successful conference on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) was held on 20 March 2015. 


·       An assessment of sexual health needs has been carried out which will lead to procurement of the service and a refresh of the strategy. 


·       Two notable achievements:  Ofsted had judged safeguarding services in Enfield as good and Enfield had been awarded excellent by the Greater London Authority as a healthy workplace. 


1.2           Questions/Comments


1.2.1     Members congratulated officers on their excellent work in this area.


1.2.2     Measures were in place to ensure that the child sexual exploitation work being carried out by the Children’s Safeguarding Board would be taken account of in commissioning services.


1.2.3     The Public Health Team had four statutory duties: those that support the CCG are now based in Holbrook House, approximately 8 officers.  Ten other members of staff are embedded in services across the council.


1.2.4     Enfield is the only authority in London which has been graded good for child protection services.


1.2.5     A new sexual exploitation task group has been set up to look at this area of work. They will be scrutinising all work carried out both internally and externally.  This task group is the only one of its kind in London and will ensure that robust procedures are in place to prevent child sexual exploitation taking place in Enfield. 


1.2.6     The granting of the Healthy Workplace Award to the Council is important for encouraging other employers to become healthy work places.


1.2.7     The outcome of the Sports England bid is not yet known. 


1.2.8     An 8% reduction in hospital admissions has been achieved by the Care Homes Assessment Team as part of the larger Integrated Care target. 


AGREED to note the content of the report. 


2.               Joint Commissioning Board Update


The Board received an update report from the Joint Commissioning Board Sub Board. 


2.1     Bindi Nagra (Assistant Director Strategy and Resources – Health, Housing and Adult Social Care) presented the report to the Board and asked for questions. 


2.2     Questions/Comments


2.2.1   Various reviews had been undertaken on both commissioning and procurement linked to the information and advice requirements of the Care Act and with work being done by Enfield 2017.  The front end access point is the Council website.  Key is wellbeing in its wider sense. 


2.2.2   The Council was considering the best approach to the provision of the work of the Family Nurse Partnership and Health Visitors once the transfer to the Council due in October 2015 has occurred.  The Family Nurse Partnership had not taken on any new referrals due to the illness of one of the members of staff.


2.2.3   Concern about the growth of the use of Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide) by young people was an issue that could be considered by the Drug and Alcohol Action Team and would be referred to them. 


AGREED that the Board note the content of the report. 


3.               Improving Primary Care Sub Board Update


The Board received an update report from the Improving Primary Care Sub Board. 


3.1           Liz Wise, Enfield CCG Chief Officer, introduced the report to the Board: 


·       The current three year primary care strategy programme ended on the 31 March 2015.  From 1 April 2015 a new way of working is being developed by the five North Central London CCGs for joint co-commissioning arrangements with NHS England, to take effect from October 2015.   A shadow period will operate between April and October 2015. 


3.2           Questions/Comments


3.2.1     Local Government is involved in the proposals for co-commissioning.  The CCG’s are currently looking at the best way to engage them and this was discussed at the last meeting of the CCG governing body.  Crucial work is taking place on estates and regeneration.


3.3           The aim is that the primary care commissioning framework becomes more proactive, accessible and consistent. 


3.4           The CCG is assessing where we are locally and will then look to fill the gaps.  Where more services are needed, they will work with NHS England to provide them. 


3.5           The benefits of working with Camden and Islington are more than the dis-benefits.  


3.6           Some of the Enfield initiatives are being carried forward including the Minor Ailments Scheme, the work with University College London and the IT improvements. 


3.7           It was important to take forward what was right for Enfield.  The first 6 months will provide an opportunity for a local refresh. 


AGREED to note the contents of the report. 


4.               Integration Board Update


The Board received an update from the Integration Board.


4.1     Richard Young (Interim Better Care Fund Programme Manager/Interim Strategic Planning Programme Manager) presented the report to the Board:


·       Much of the information about integrated care had been discussed elsewhere on the agenda. 


·       The business case for integration was discussed at the first meeting and the clinical case will be discussed at the next meeting. 


·       The old programme board has now been disestablished and replaced by the new board structures. 


4.2     Questions/Comments


4.2.1   The Older People Working Group will be reformed as part of the programme delivery group.  Their work will not be lost, but will be bought in to develop the new group. 


4.2.2   Concern was expressed that not all interests were represented on the Integration Board:  there was little representation from the secondary care sector.   The Sub Board membership had been agreed at the last board meeting with only members of the full board given voting rights.  The terms of reference will be reviewed in 3 months.  Named substitutes were permitted in the current terms of reference. 


AGREED to note the report. 

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