Agenda item



Sgt. Dave Durrant stated that the seven MOPAC priorities were burglary, theft of motor vehicle, theft from motor vehicle, robbery, theft from person, violence with injury and criminal damage.

Edmonton Green- 5 of the 7 priorities have seen a reduction in the past 12 months

5% reduction in burglary                              

31% reduction in robbery   

28% reduction in theft from person              

12% reduction in theft of motor vehicle

33% reduction in theft from motor vehicle   

30% increase in violence with injury             

20% increase in criminal damage

Violence with injury can be road rage etc.

Upper Edmonton

11% reduction in burglary                              

20% reduction in robbery

53% reduction in theft from motor vehicle

Plain clothes patrols have been carried out


21% reduction in burglary                             

36% reduction in robbery

49% reduction in theft from motor vehicle

48 hour dispersal zones have been effective. It used to take several weeks to obtain permission for a longer dispersal zone.

There have been anti-social behaviour issues in Edmonton Green.

Haselbury Ward did have a problem with robberies in Church Street, but the team changed their shift patterns and caught one offender in the act.  He was arrested on 12th April and found to have items from 8 robberies.  He will also be charged with possession of cocaine and offering cocaine.

Overnight burglaries have taken place where residents had not locked their UPVC doors properly.

Sgt. Durrant stated that, although there are more officers in Enfield, they have additional responsibilities. A resident pointed out that you never hear Scotland Yard making representations to the Government for more police. He also queried whether anyone was ever charged for cycling on the pavement.

Cllr. Abdullahi pointed out a problem that for the last two months youths had been congregating outside the MP’s office in Fore Street and asked if these could be dispersed.  Sgt. Durrant replied that patrols had targeted the area and stop and search operations carried out, checking for drugs.

Cllr. Ekechi stated that the same problem existed within the estates off Wilbury Way such as Whitehead Close. Children were out up to 11 pm and there was a drug problem. Sgt. Durrant said that residents needed to report this, as the Police needed intelligence in order to be able to act. Cars are often damaged during the night in this area, but the residents have given up reporting it

A resident stated that in the Park Road/ Solomon Avenue area local people did their best to block off the car park with large vans to stop drinking and drug taking occurring there.  The problem had been reported on numerous occasions and here again they no longer bother to report it. There is a similar problem at the back of the flats in Moree Way. The Police plan to issue a warrant there.

A resident asked what happens when the Police have to break into a house, when a person is ill. Sgt. Durrant confirmed that the police are not responsible for repair to the property, but leave details of people to contact,

Cllr. During thanked the Edmonton Green team for its good work and achievement in reducing the level of crime.  She also thanked the CAPE Chair.