Agenda item


A report from the Director of Schools and Children’s Services is attached. This presents the Enfield Ofsted Improvement Plan following the inspection in Enfield from 20 January to 11 February 2015. (Non key)

(Report No.5)

(8.20 – 8.25 pm)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection) introduced the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services (No.5) presenting the Enfield Ofsted Improvement Plan following the inspection in Enfield from 20 January to 11 February 2015.




1.               That the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) had carried out an inspection in Enfield as detailed in the report. The Inspectors found that the local authority leads effective services which had resulted in an overall judgement that children’s services in Enfield were “Good”. The work of the Local Safeguarding Children Board had also been judged as “Good”; section one of the report referred.


2.               The content of the following documents which had been appended to the report:


·       Enfield Improvement Plan

·       Inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and review of the effectiveness of the Local Safeguarding Children Board

·       Annual report of the Independent Reviewing Officer – 2014/15


3.               Councillor Orhan outlined the current framework of Ofsted inspections and the high standards to be achieved. To date only 20% of local authorities inspected so far under the current framework had achieved a “Good” rating. Enfield was the only London Borough to have achieved this high standard to date. Congratulations were extended to all involved. This was an exceptional outcome for Enfield. However, the Council was not complacent and recognised the significant challenges ahead.


4.               The key messages arising from the inspection report were highlighted for Members. The Council must maintain its current focus in order to continue to further improve. It was recognised that staff morale was high and that Enfield provided a strong and effective leadership. Effective partnership working had been recognised as had the strong political commitment in Enfield. The Borough had been acknowledged as ambitious and innovative in its approach.


5.               The contents of the Action Plan in response to the 15 recommendations arising from the inspection: 11 referring to Schools and Children’s Services and 4 referring to the Local Safeguarding Children Board. Officers were grateful to Ofsted for highlighting the areas requiring further improvement.


6.               The work which was being undertaken to address the issues of Child Sexual Exploitation. The newly formed Member led task group would be having its first meeting in the near future.


7.               Councillor Orhan highlighted the key issues for Members’ consideration and drew attention to the Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service Independent Reviewing Officer Annual Report 2014/2015.


8.               Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of the Local Safeguarding Children Board) outlined a number of points for Members’ attention. The Board had been praised for its strong and effective partnerships and dialogue with the voluntary sector. Members noted that the Board worked closely with the Boards of neighbouring authorities. The Independent Chair was line managed by the Chief Executive and met regularly with the Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection.


9.               Members noted that Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) was a priority for the Board, and nationally. Plans were in place and the newly appointed team would provide an effective focus of the multi-disciplinary work to be carried out. The challenges ahead were recognised. The 4 recommendations arising from the Inspection for the Board were acknowledged and discussed. Work would continue with the voluntary sector and partner agencies.


10.           Councillor Orhan praised the strong leadership of Andrew Fraser (Director of Schools and Children’s Services). Andrew Fraser was proud of the outcome of the Inspection in Enfield. The value of both committed staff and political support was recognised. New challenges would continue to arise in the future. It was imperative that the Council continued to focus on the recruitment and retention of high calibre staff to ensure that high standards of service could continue to be provided and improved upon.


11.           Councillor Georgiou reiterated that this was an achievement for Enfield to be proud of. The high calibre services being provided to the children in the Borough had been recognised. On behalf of the Cabinet he expressed his thanks and appreciation to all involved.



Alternative Options Considered: Not applicable.


DECISION: Cabinet agreed


1.               To note the following documents as appended to the report:


·       Enfield Improvement Plan

·       Inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and review of effectiveness of the Local Safeguarding Children Board

·       Annual Report of the Independent Reviewing Officer - 2014/15


2.               To support the Schools and Children’s Services Department and the Enfield Safeguarding Board to implement and achieve the actions relating to the 15 recommendations outlined in the Improvement Plan.


3.               To note the specific recommendations within the plan to improve the oversight and scrutiny functions of Senior Managers, the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board and elected members. The events in Rotherham and related published reports highlight the level and nature of risks faced should oversight and scrutiny of unsystematic or lack effective challenge.


4.               To refer this report to Council for information.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL, that the report be considered for information.


Reason: Enfield’s Children’s Services and the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board would require the commitment and support from multiple partners and form colleagues across the Council in order to deliver on this plan within the allotted timescales.

(Non key)

Supporting documents: