Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements (if any) in connection with the ordinary Council Business


The Mayor made the following announcements:


(a)       Death of former Councillors


The Mayor began her announcements with the sad news that two former councillors had recently passed away.  Mark Fenton who represented the former Craig Park ward from May 1982 and served continuously until May 2002, and Annette Dreblow who had represented Chase Ward between 2004 and May 2010.


In addition Members were advised that the actor Ron Moody (who had a strong local connection with Enfield), had also recently passed away.


Members were requested to join the Mayor in standing to observe a moments silence in memory of Mark, Annette and Ron.


(b)      The Queens Award for Voluntary Service


The Mayor provided a brief history of this unique UK national honour, which had been created by her Majesty to mark the Golden Jubilee in 2002 and to recognise the outstanding contributions made to local communities by groups of volunteers. The award had the equivalent status for voluntary groups as the MBE had for individuals and set a national benchmark for excellence in volunteering.  Winners were announced each year on the 2nd June, to coincide with the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.


This year 187 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups had received the prestigious award, which the Mayor felt had shown that the voluntary sector was thriving and full of innovative ideas to tackle community challenges.  Of the 187 awards, only seven went to groups in Greater London (there were 13 nominations) and of those, two were in Enfield - Edmonton Eagles Amateur Boxing Club and One-to-One Enfield.  These groups would now be able to use the award cipher on their documentation and in the next few months a certificate signed by Her Majesty and a crystal trophy were due to be presented by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant.  Members joined the Mayor in congratulating both organisations on their wonderful achievement.


(c)       Re-enactment of the Magna Carta


The Mayor advised that she had recently attended an event re-enacting the Magna Carta.  She had thoroughly enjoyed representing the Borough at the event and congratulated all those who took part.


(d)     Other Engagements


The Mayor advised that her first month as Mayor had been very busy, including visiting various schools to present certificates and trophies.  She had also met with fellow London Mayors having being introduced to many of them at the London Mayor’s event held at Capel Manor.



(d)      Mayor’s Thanksgiving Service & Reception


Finally the Mayor reminded members of her forthcoming Civic Thanksgiving Service and Reception to be held on the 4th July at 2pm at St Edmunds’ Roman Catholic Church, 115 Hertford Road.  All Members were welcome to attend. 


(e)       Member Conduct


As this was her first business meeting, the Mayor felt it would be helpful to outline the standards of behaviour she would expect both sides of the chamber to observe during her year in office.  Whilst doing her best to ensure that Council meetings were chaired fairly and efficiently, it was recognised that there would be disagreement on issues under debate.  During these debates the Mayor advised she would still expect Members to show mutual respect towards each other. Whilst she would not wish to take the action empowered to her within the Constitution relating to member conduct, she would have no hesitation in doing so, if necessary.