Agenda item


A report from the Interim Director of Children’s Services is attached. This presents the Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report 2014-15. (Non key)


Members are asked to note that the Chair of the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board has been invited to attend the meeting in order to present the annual report.

(Report No.79)

(8.25 – 8.30 pm)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection) introduced the report of the Interim Director of Children’s Services (No.79) presenting the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2014-15.




1.               That the Children Act 2004 placed a duty on every local authority to establish a local Safeguarding Children Board. Enfield Safeguarding Children Board was made up of statutory and voluntary partners, as detailed in section 3.1 of the report.


2.               Councillor Orhan highlighted for Members the statutory safeguarding responsibilities outlined in the annual report and the level of risk. The contribution of the Council’s partner agencies was noted together with the potential detrimental effects of forthcoming funding cuts to the Council and its partners. Concerns were highlighted at the potential impact on the delivery of key elements of the Council’s statutory responsibilities. The partner agencies involved in the work of the Board were diligent and fully engaged and thanks were expressed to them.


3.               That the Chair of the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board, Geraldine Gavin, had extended her apologies for absence for the Cabinet meeting. Anne Stoker, Head of Safeguarding, Quality and Principal Social Worker, presented the annual report to the Cabinet and highlighted the following issues for consideration:


·       Following an Ofsted inspection in January and February 2015 the work of the Enfield Children Safeguarding Board had been judged as “Good”. Whilst there were areas to improve on, the Ofsted judgement had illustrated that the Board partnership was a strong one.

·       Members’ attention was drawn to the summary of achievements detailed in the annual report. Anne Stoker outlined the main achievements. This included the development and support of the “Enfield Young Safeguarding Champions Group”, a quote from one young member of the group had been included in the annual report and was noted by Members. This was a positive message and illustrated how the needs of young people were being addressed through the work undertaken.

·       Anne Stoker outlined the areas of work carried out including focus on child sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation.

·       Effective staff safeguarding training was undertaken and regularly reviewed.

·       The Board was not complacent and continued to look to improve and learn lessons from experience, including effective serious case reviews. Information sharing was imperative and the Board would continue to support the development of a single point of entry.

·       The Board would continue to focus on a number of areas including domestic abuse, child sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation and radicalisation.

·       The importance of early intervention and prevention strategies was highlighted.


4.               In conclusion of the presentation Members were invited to comment. The following issues arose in discussion. Councillor Taylor highlighted the establishment of the Council’s Child Sexual Exploitation Group that would report back to full Council in due course.


5.               Members’ recognised the Council’s safeguarding responsibilities and noted the good practices of the Board and partner agencies, as set out in the annual report.


6.               Councillor Orhan concluded that the Council was focused on two key areas – early intervention and prevention. The limited funding available was recognised. Key policies were in place to ensure that challenges arising were met at an early stage. Councillor Orhan expressed her thanks to the members of the Board and supporting officers for their valuable work.


Alternative Options Considered: Not applicable to this report.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.               Note, for information, the report and the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2014-2015.


2.               Specifically note the summary of achievements set out in the Annual Report.


3.               Refer the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report to full Council for information. 


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to note, for information, the Enfield Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2014-2015.


Reason: Enfield Safeguarding Children Board would require the commitment and support from multiple partners and from colleagues across the Council in order to continue to focus on improvements with the clear aim of reducing harm.

(Non key)  

Supporting documents: