Agenda item

Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group Commissioning Intentions

To receive a report and presentation, for consultation on the Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group 2016/17 Commissioning Intentions. 


The Board received a report and presentation slides from Graham MacDougall, Director of Strategy and Partnerships, Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group (ECCG), on the NHS Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group draft commissioning intentions 2016/17.


1.               Presentation of the Report


Graham MacDougall presented the report to the Board, highlighting the following: 


·       Commissioning intentions are produced every year, setting out the new services and changes to existing services, which the CCG would like to see.

·       The intentions are influenced by local imperatives and national directives. 

·       They are the opportunity to set the commissioning framework. 

·       This year there will be a focus on mental health, both in adults and children. Focusing on how services respond to crisis, the quality of treatment offered and how to prevent people falling into crisis. 

·       Action plans are being developed and will be bought to the board at a later date.

·       Local challenges include Enfield CCG’s financial position: finding £13m in savings will be challenging.

·       Urgent and Urgency Care are under the spotlight - particularly the 4 hour accident and emergency target.  The systems are fragile, a strategic approach to create greater resilience in the system required. 

·       Transformation plans are being worked on in 6 areas and there will be an opportunity for the Health and Wellbeing Board to look at them in greater detail later in the year.  

·       Other areas of priority include eating disorders, psychological therapies and perinatal health. 

·       A strategic alliance with the other North Central London CCGs is being developed. 

·       The CCG is beginning to explore new models of care, working out new ways to contract it and will be commissioning for outcomes. 

·       The corporate objectives are set out on page 8 of the agenda pack. 


2.               Questions/Comments


2.1           Paul Jenkins advised the board that the CCG was under a category of “directions” where its priorities were laid down for it.  They had a statutory obligation to balance the books.  Recovery would take several years as they currently had an overdraft of £33.4m out of a budget of £360m.  Further details could be provided if requested. 


2.2           The provision of integrated diabetes, respiratory and heart failure services by the emerging GP Provider Network, to practice registered pan-Enfield population, was welcomed but it was felt that this should be extended to public health as well. 


2.3           Concern was expressed about how those that were not registered with a GP would be able to access these services.  There were various opportunities to address this though urgent care, and using public health methods.  It was very difficult to determine the level of those not registered.  Various initiatives were under consideration.  The problem was specific to certain wards which could receive targeted interventions.  Guidance to practice managers on proof of address would be helpful.  Co-commissioning should enable the CCG to have more influence in this area. 


2.4           A patient engagement event had been held on the previous day.


2.5           By the end of September the ECCG Executive Committee would have agreed and published the commissioning intentions.  Contracts with providers would be signed off by the end of March 2016. 


2.6           Lorna Leith (Healthwatch) suggested that incorporating patient experience measures would help when judging whether the services were successful. 


2.7           Proposals for Mental Health were due to be discussed at the next Board meeting on 15 October 2015.  This will include transformation plans for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and how to respond to the “Future in Mind” report.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


AGREED that to note the draft CCG Commissioning Intentions as set out in the report. 

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