Agenda item


·         CCTV Monitoring

·         Attendance at Neighbourhood Panels



If you wish to raise an matter of urgent business, please send full details to to arrive no later than Monday 16 November 2015.


CCTV Monitoring


The Chair confirmed that the Board had been asked by the CSU for volunteers to form CCTV Monitoring Station Scrutiny Teams.


It was agreed that the monitoring of CCTV was good for public confidence and to ensure the service was held to account.


It was planned to form 3 or 4 teams of 2 persons who would conduct visits one team a month.  Initially these visits would be scheduled but eventually, they would be unannounced.


The Chair asked that anyone interested in forming a team notify him.  The Chair also confirmed that training and a Police check would need to be undertaken by any volunteer (the training was necessary due to new legislation now in place).  The offer was primarily aimed at CAPE Chairs or Vice Chairs, but other suitable volunteers were welcomed.


An attendee asked if the CCTV Centre at Claverings covered transport cameras.  The Chair confirmed that the volunteers would not be monitoring these; and in any event would only monitor Council operated cameras (and not those owned and operated by Transport for London).  Visiting teams would ensure the correct use of the cameras and correct evidence gathering as well as ensuring non-functioning cameras were identified and repaired as soon as possible.


Attendance at Neighbourhood Panels


It was noted that some Panels were better attended than others and that feedback was quite mixed.  Attendance could also be inconsistent. 


The Chair asked if there was any correlation between poorer attendance at Neighbourhood Panels and CAPEs that were not fully functioning.  This was acknowledged as a possibility.  ACTION: Chair and CI Andy Port to meet to discuss further.


MPS Disability Steering Group


It was asked if the Group was being reformed (it had been disbanded approximately 18 months previously).


ACTION: CI Andy Port to follow up.


Edmonton Police Station Counter


The Chair commented that he had recently written to the Borough Commander regarding the unavailability of staff at the Edmonton Police Station front counter for a period of 5 hours.  He had received an acknowledgement of his letter from the Borough Commander, but no further response or update.


CI Andy Port acknowledged that a further response should have been provided.  He was disappointed that the counter had been left unstaffed and steps had been taken to prevent future incidents.  Refurbishment of the counter area was being considered. 


ACTION: CI Andy Port to follow up.


CAPE Meetings


The Chair of Bowes CAPE reported that the times of meetings had changed and it was proving more difficult for members to attend.


ACTION: Chair/CAPE Chair to discuss further.


Councillor Attendance at CAPEs


The exact position of Councillor attendance at CAPEs was unclear.  It was acknowledged that this should be looked at further.




It was asked if there would be any shift or change in Police policy regarding tackling radicalisation, further to recent events in Paris?


CI Andy Port responded that they wished to avoid a ‘knee jerk’ reaction and the Police was, in any event, undertaking a lot of work to address the issue (for example, the Prevent programme).  Their approach may be enhanced or improved, but there would be no change to current policy.