Agenda item



The Mayor thanked the Reverend John Hookway for offering the blessing and asked members to join her in a minutes silence in recognition of Remembrance Day.


A minutes silence was held.


The Mayor then made the following announcements:


1.            Update on Mayoral Engagements


The Mayor advised that she had attended a number of events since the last Council meeting including:


·                A visit to RAF Northolt and the Battle of Britain exhibition, including the Nuclear Bunker.

·                A visit to Chase Farm Hospital.

·                Attending the Edmonton Eagles event as they received their Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services.

·                A Remembrance Day Service at St Demetrios’s Church

·                The Remembrance Sunday events at the Edmonton War Memorial, Chase Side War Memorial in Enfield, and at Southgate. 

·                Hosting a dinner for a visiting dignitary from France. 

·                Armistice Day commemorations in Broomfield Park. 


2.         Clean Britain Gold Award


The Mayor announced that Enfield had won the Clean Britain Gold Award in the large local authority category.  The award had been received at the Chartered Institute of Waste Management Clean Britain Awards 2015, held the week previously, in recognition of the work undertaken by the Council in keeping the streets clean for residents, businesses and visitors.


The awards reflected the work done by local authorities across England as well as volunteers and private companies in keeping public spaces clean and had been achieved in recognition of the Council’s commitment to keeping the borough clean and for the hard work of its staff on a day to day basis in clearing litter, and dealing promptly with fly tipping and graffiti.  The award also recognised the innovative ways in which the council directed its resources to target areas most in need.


A Gold Award in the large population category was one of the most challenging groups and demonstrated the Council’s commitment to providing a well presented, safe and clean environment for residents and businesses which in turn played an important role in fostering civic pride and reducing anti-social behaviour.


The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, thanked all staff engaged in the service, many of whom started their working day in the early hours of the morning or late at night and congratulated them on receiving the award. 


She formally presented the award to Nicky Fiedler (Assistant Director Public Realm) and David Coventry (Street Scene Section Manager). 


3.            Future Engagements


The Mayor invited members to join her at the following events: 


·                The Arctic Convoy Commemoration on 14 November 2015 at 2.45pm, at the Civic Centre;

·                A Dementia Awareness Seminar on Saturday 28 November, at the Civic Centre – For more details she asked members to contact Koulla Panaretou in Democratic Services.;

·                An Open Day at the Registrars Service - Saturday 28 November at Gentleman’s Row.


4.          Anniversary Exhibition - Celebrating Enfield’s 50years as a London Borough


As part of the celebrations, in honour of the 50th anniversary of Enfield becoming a London Borough, an exhibition had been set up in the Conference Room Display Cabinets.  The Mayor encouraged members to take a look when passing through. 


5.            Trustees Meeting – Councillor Ali Bakir’s Year as Mayor


The Mayor advised members that the Mayor’s Charity trustees had met that evening to finalise the accounts from Councillor Ali Bakir’s Mayoralty.  She was pleased to report that Councillor Bakir had raised £43,843 during his year in office.


The Mayor invited Councillor Bakir to say a few words and he took the opportunity to thank colleagues and everyone else who had contributed towards his fundraising activities as Mayor for their support.  He was pleased to announce that the amount raised had now been allocated between 13 voluntary groups, schools, associations and charities across the borough.


The Mayor ended her announcements by reminding members that invitations had recently been sent out for her Christmas Celebration Evening on Friday 11th December 2015, and asking them to respond to Alison Brookes in the Mayor’s Office as soon as possible.