Agenda item


To discuss the Council’s relationship with the voluntary sector.


The Chair introduced Paula Jeffery (Chief Executive of Enfield Voluntary Action), to the meeting he stated that although the relationship with the voluntary sector had not been selected as a separate workstream theme, Members were concerned at how the voluntary sector is managing the current financial situation and how their expectations/ support is being met .


Shaun Rogan (Head of Policy, Partnerships, Engagement and Consultation) spoke of the diverse range of voluntary and community organisations that operate in the borough and spoke of the challenges they face.  He spoke of the need for us to be focused to look at subjects ‘in the round’ rather than having a ‘silo’ approach .  He said it was necessary to focus and prioritise carefully – with more accountability and evidence based needs covered, in what is, an increasingly competitive grants process. 

He stated that monitoring now includes the need to show accountability for every quarter before funding can be given.  Our role as primary donor is changing – organisations need to be more agile, modern and able to embrace new ways of working such as hot desking, and remote working .  It is necessary for organisations to develop to become more sustainable, our role is to help them evolve, to help them become more agile and to enable them to access funding opportunities.


Paula Jeffery referred to the VCS -Central information group hub - which has 651 organisations registered.  It provides information to voluntary groups and helps to keep them updated on various issues including grants. 


Paula explained that every organisation is different, some are large such as Age UK and others small. Each one has a different relationship with the Council, for example some may attend a partnership group, they may lobby Councillors or, as in the past, made use of the Enfield Residents Priority Fund.  Some relationships with LBE are better than others, however she stated that the relationship between LBE and VCS has generally been considered as a good one, both with this, and the previous Administration.   She referred to work that was currently been undertaken with the Health Housing and Adult Social Care team on the consultation process to look at supporting residents re resilience issues.


Councillor Levy suggested that the Health Scrutiny Standing Panel should consider an item on its 2016/17 Work programme relating to those VCS groups working specifically in liaison with the HHASC Department

                                                                 ACTION: Cllr Abdullahi/ Andy Ellis


Councillor Laban raised a concern that some issues being dealt with by Council services were not linking in properly with our voluntary organisations. Reference was made to the Public Realm department spoiling some planting work that had been carried out by Parks volunteers.  There was also a concern that the Enfield Residents Priority Fund had been used as a way to ‘top up’ funding for some organisations, as this funding has now come to an end, organisations would now need to look at more sustainable options.   Shaun Rogan agreed that communications needed to be improved with VCS.    He said that sustainability for voluntary groups was an issue that needed to be addressed and mentioned that in terms of availability of grants/ finance in London, there is the potential for Enfield to improve/ increase its bids for funding.   He thought processes were being improved and organisations are acting in a more business oriented way i.e they are accustomed now to providing quarterly returns.


It was asked how we monitor the grants process and Shaun Rogan referred to the Voluntary Sector Framework which sets out this procedure, it has recently been updated.  He will send a copy to Councillor Abdullahi. He said it is key that when an application is received, it is dealt with in a consistent manner regardless of which point of entry it comes to the Council.  One of the aims of the Enfield 2017 project is to ensure that subjects, such as grant applications, are dealt with in this way.

                                                                      ACTION: Shaun Rogan


In answer to how Councillors can provide support to VCS, it was thought useful for them to be briefed on what is happening in their Wards and can, therefore promote key messages.  Paula Jeffery referred to workshops being held to help groups with financial planning. Due to financial constraints she thought a number of small groups may only be able to survive if they become completely voluntary in future.


Councillor Brett paid tribute to the large number of organisations and volunteers in the Borough, she mentioned that the work undertaken on a voluntary basis may also provide experience for those wishing to gain experience and help them gain employment in future.  She referred to a positive way forward where the Mayor for London had introduced the volunteer police cadets, to encourage young people into the service.   

She said it was necessary to ensure that organisations are robust, that we help them to develop, by focusing on improving their financial knowledge and by training volunteers.  These organisations can be seen as ‘engines for change’, it is important for the Enfield Community to work together.


Councillor Smith referred to concerns about historical cases where the funding of voluntary groups had been subject to abuse by some local authorities. He mentioned that the Enfield Residents Priority Fund had needed to be carefully managed as some groups had tried to submit more than one application for projects.  The voluntary framework agreement sets out clear guidelines to be followed by voluntary organisations.


Paula Jeffery said only a small proportion of the 651 voluntary groups receive any funding, although some contracts/ arrangements with HH&ASC are long standing. The aim is now for all voluntary group funding to be through ‘voluntary funding agreements’ and the standardisation of forms/ letters are to hopefully be introduced from April 2016.  .


It was confirmed that letters regarding decommissioning have been sent to voluntary organisations. A suggestion was made that Councillors attend local voluntary organisations in their wards so as to get an understanding of issues.  Members would be issued with geographical information of voluntary groups in their wards, this was welcomed by them.

                                                                                ACTION Shaun Rogan


Reference was made to organisations working at Community House and the need for LBE to work with them to evolve and adopt new ways of working.  Councillor Brett has met with Property Services about these issues. It was stressed that we needed to ensure our voluntary organisations are empowered and happy to embrace change, we must ensure our ‘bond of trust’ is not weakened and organisations are dealt with equally. Mention was made of the Better Care fund partnership consisting of the Council, local Voluntary Sector organisations and local NHS hospitals, commissioning would take place for a three year period using competitive grants process.


Councillor Levy thanked everyone for attending this meeting.