Agenda item


A report from the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and  Chief Education Officer is attached. This should be read in conjunction with Report No.154, agenda part one refers. Further information will be provided at the meeting under restricted circulation. (Key decision – reference number 4209)

(Report No.156)

(9.00 – 9.05 pm)


(This document contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended)


Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection) introduced the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and the Chief Education Officer (No.156).




1.               That Report No.154 also referred as detailed in Minute No.10 above.


2.               That further super part 2 information was provided at the meeting under restricted circulation (Report No.156A). The tabled report was collected in again following consideration by the Cabinet.


3.               That the recommendations set out in Report Nos. 156 and 156A were reflected in the recommendations to Council and the decisions of Cabinet below.


4.               The potential financial benefits to the Council in the provision of school places to out borough pupils.


5.               The financial implications of the proposals and how it was proposed to fund the project, as set out in the report.


6.               The significant work which had been carried out to date and the detailed negotiations which had taken place.


7.               The detailed proposals for moving forward with the project as set out in full in the report and outlined by officers at the meeting. A further report would be presented to a future Cabinet meeting for Members’ consideration and agreement.


Alternative Options Considered: As detailed in Report No.154, Minute No.10 above refers.




1.               The acquisition of the freehold interest in the land and buildings that form all of Minchenden School (shown in appendix 1 to the part 1 report) at the price set out in recommendation 2.1 of the report.


2.               The total acquisition budget which included the amount detailed in recommendation 2.1 of the report and the initial feasibility budgets as set out in recommendation 2.2 of the report, and that this amount be added to the Council’s capital programme as detailed within the report and:


Minchenden Site

(i)              The addition of funds to the Capital Programme to an upper limit, set out in recommendation 2.2 (i) of the report, for the acquisition of the land at Minchenden.

(ii)             The addition of funds to the Capital Programme, as detailed in recommendation 2.2 (ii) of the report, for the Planning, Procurement Phases and internal design feasibility for the ASD Provision at Minchenden.


Southgate Circus Library

(iii)            The addition of funds to the Capital Programme, as detailed in recommendation 2.2 (v) of the report for the feasibility work for the Southgate Circus Library Site


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed, in addition to the recommendations to Council set out above, to:


Minchenden Site


1.              Agree the decision set out in recommendation 2.2 (iii) of the super part 2 report (No.156A).

2.              Agree the decision set out in recommendation 2.2 (iv) of the super part 2 report (No.156A).


Southgate Circus Library


3.              Note that the initial budget would be used to appoint consultants to assist in preparing scheme designs, feasibility studies, other investigations, site preparation and public consultation to support the preparation and submission of a planning application and appropriate documents to assist in the procurement of a developer/contractor and inform the main business case (recommendation 2.2 (iv) of Report No.156.

4.              Note that a further Cabinet report would be presented prior to the submission of planning with updated cost and capital return projections to inform the main business case for the provision of the school (recommendation 2.2 (vii) of Report No.156).

5.              Agree the appointment of the company detailed in recommendation 2.2 (viii) of Report No.156 to work on the scheme(s) (Key decision 4196) to Planning Stage (RIBA Stage D+)

6.              Agree the decision set out in recommendation 2.2 (ix) of the super part 2 report (No.156A).


Reason: As detailed in Report No.154, Minute No.10 above refers.

(Key decision – reference number 4209)


At the conclusion of Members’ consideration of Report Nos.156 and 156A, the meeting moved back into part one and dealt with the remaining part one agenda items as set out in the minutes below.

Supporting documents: